R: Besides me, Who Will be Voting For RFK?

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By Cannonpointer
18 Aug 2024 8:55 am in Peanut Gallery
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18 Aug 2024 8:56 am
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98% Macho Man
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I have a bias against people who tried to murder me, and a bias FOR people who did not. 

Trump and Kamala both tried to murder me. RFK actually OPPOSED my murder, which I find charming in a candidate. 

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18 Aug 2024 10:49 am
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Cannonpointer » 18 Aug 2024, 10:47 am » wrote: And that is why they have no chance - the surrender of folks like yourself to the two-party tyranny.

If you like Trump the best, you should vote for Trump. If you prefer another candidate, you should have the courage to speak your truth through your ballot. That is CERTAINLY the behavior the founders recommended and would advise today. The one perfect way to block the two party monopoly is to stop helping it. Stop participating in it.

And the time to do that is always right now - not next election cycle, and not when enough people are "on board." You do right to do right, not because the outcome is guaranteed but because doing right is the right thing to do. Do wrong for the "right reason" is doing wrong. It's what leftists do, and then they say the ends justify them means.

And that is what you are doing when you advise me to vote AGAINST the candidate I want and FOR the candidate I don't want, in order to prevent the the candidate I RULLY RULLY don't want from winning. You are advising me to do the wrong the for the right reason - the ends justify the means. You are advising me to smart rat - which simply keeps me on the wheel the duopoly wants me on.

Such people are just cowards.

I am wide open in my defenses of trump (and my criticisms of him), and I will not disguise my glee if he wins. But I am bound to vote my conscience in whatever elections remain to me, even if it harelips the governor.

Voting my conscience is my duty. All that "stopping them" will take is others voting theirs'. And that is out of my hands. What is in MY hands is MY vote. And I will vote MY conscience.

Again, I cannot speak for others, nor must I stand accountable for their actions (unless I compelled those actions in some way). I stand accountable to my Maker for what I do - not for what you do, or what some slacker that stays home does, or what a kamala the horse voter does.

I am voting for RFK - they fellow who tried to warn me instead of trying to kill me.
I can't vote for trump because he forced the military to get the jab. 

Did PSAs taking the jab. 
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