I am a lifelong liberal democrat

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By Varnaj42
3 Sep 2024 2:59 pm in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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3 Sep 2024 2:59 pm
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Yes.   I voted democrat for most of my life.  I would do so again if a real American traditionalist democrat were to appear on the political stage.   American liberal yes.   Global leftist... no.   American liberals do not approve of wokism or porn in shcools or any of those things that will lead our country into chaos (so that the globalist masters in Davos can take over).   Real liberals really do think in liberal, progressive terms.  This means they look to the future and see prosperity for our country.  Yes.  An American liberal democrat can be just as patriotic as a right wing republican.  And why not?  What's wrong with living in a strong and vibrant American society where blue collar workers can live in the same communities as do the bankers?  

Now a days being a democrat means something different though.  I see what's happening and I don't like it.  So.... this liberal democrat who is in his eithties now will wait.  I'll bide my time and hope that our country will find the courage to heal itself before we turn into the USSA.

I am voting for Robert Kennedy jr.

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4 Sep 2024 7:20 am
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I am a liberal democrat as well
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4 Sep 2024 7:26 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 04 Sep 2024, 7:20 am » wrote: I am a liberal democrat as well
I hope you can recover.
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4 Sep 2024 8:24 am
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RebelGator » 04 Sep 2024, 7:26 am » wrote: I hope you can recover.
I hope America can recover.
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sooted up Cyndi
4 Sep 2024 11:26 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 04 Sep 2024, 8:24 am » wrote: I hope America can recover.
why don't you post that in the main forum.  i mean- i used to vote dem once in awhile.
you're party is gone- we cant help you now... it's your job-
to take your party back.
we all gave up. Get the normal dems to speak out! 
i know some decent folks.....  they are probably the majority---start some where? i am so sickened by the LAST 4 years- i will never recover.... or look back or ever vote dem again!
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4 Sep 2024 11:33 am
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sootedupCyndi » 04 Sep 2024, 11:26 am » wrote: why don't you post that in the main forum.  i mean- i used to vote dem once in awhile.
you're party is gone- we cant help you now... it's your job-
to take your party back.
we all gave up. Get the normal dems to speak out! 
i know some decent folks.....  they are probably the majority---start some where? i am so sickened by the LAST 4 years- i will never recover.... or look back or ever vote dem again!
why would I respond to this thread in the Liberal's only forum in the Main forum?
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sooted up Cyndi
4 Sep 2024 11:35 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 04 Sep 2024, 11:33 am » wrote: why would I respond to this thread in the Liberal's only forum in the Main forum?
why not sweet-ee. no one posts here. :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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31st Arrival
4 Sep 2024 11:37 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 04 Sep 2024, 7:20 am » wrote: I am a liberal democrat as well
You know what converts ancestors self evidently alive since conceived into intellectual souls believing anything is possible daily?
Organized reasonable doubt practiced for 7,000 years.

Say the average years between a person being conceived until they create a conception changing from great great grandchild into parenting generation gap is 20 years. that is 350 generation gaps since dawn of civilization and the 8.14 billion ancestors live today that came from the ancestral lineages alive them.

What is the actual missing link in evolution theory that affects every ideology governing tomorrows, today?
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4 Sep 2024 11:37 am
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sootedupCyndi » 04 Sep 2024, 11:35 am » wrote: why not sweet-ee. no one posts here. Image   Image   Image   Image
because I answered this thread? and this thread is in the Liberal's Only Room and you are not supposed to be posting here.  :)  
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sooted up Cyndi
4 Sep 2024 11:43 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 04 Sep 2024, 11:37 am » wrote: because I answered this thread? and this thread is in the Liberal's Only Room and you are not supposed to be posting here.  Imageyup
yup honey :rofl:  
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31st Arrival
4 Sep 2024 11:46 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 04 Sep 2024, 11:37 am » wrote: because I answered this thread? and this thread is in the Liberal's Only Room and you are not supposed to be posting here.  :)  
You have 9 posts total, and you are an expert which forums Cyndi is allowed to post?
Red flag statement suggesting you been on this site by another name.

You are new here, welcome to any forum on this site. Every intellectual soul refusing to admit their natural sole time living day in to day out is a liberal.
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4 Sep 2024 11:56 am
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31stArrival » 04 Sep 2024, 11:46 am » wrote: You have 9 posts total, and you are an expert which forums Cyndi is allowed to post?
Red flag statement suggesting you been on this site by another name.

You are new here, welcome to any forum on this site. Every intellectual soul refusing to admit their natural sole time living day in to day out is a liberal.
Is this not the "Liberal's Only Room"?
Why are you posting here?
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31st Arrival
4 Sep 2024 12:22 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 04 Sep 2024, 11:56 am » wrote: Is this not the "Liberal's Only Room"?
Why are you posting here?
Gee when I went to the top of the page, it is liberal only forum. To answer your question, I am allowed too, now. So I will stay very polite with you to keep being allowed to.
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Deezer Shoove
9 Sep 2024 8:41 am
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Varnaj42 » 03 Sep 2024, 2:59 pm » wrote: Yes.   I voted democrat for most of my life.  I would do so again if a real American traditionalist democrat were to appear on the political stage.   American liberal yes.   Global leftist... no.   American liberals do not approve of wokism or porn in shcools or any of those things that will lead our country into chaos (so that the globalist masters in Davos can take over).   Real liberals really do think in liberal, progressive terms.  This means they look to the future and see prosperity for our country.  Yes.  An American liberal democrat can be just as patriotic as a right wing republican.  And why not?  What's wrong with living in a strong and vibrant American society where blue collar workers can live in the same communities as do the bankers?  

Now a days being a democrat means something different though.  I see what's happening and I don't like it.  So.... this liberal democrat who is in his eithties now will wait.  I'll bide my time and hope that our country will find the courage to heal itself before we turn into the USSA.

I am voting for Robert Kennedy jr.
There needs to be some strange bedfellows in a healing process.

A perfect example is Chemotherapy for cancer treatment.
Most people do not understand the basics of this harsh method.
First, cancer is your own bodily cells growing within your body.
Second, a poison is introduced into the diseased body.
Third, it is hoped the cancerous cells die before the normal cells.
Fourth, the body is put through a torture that hair falls out, appetite is ruined, etc.

With luck and proper care, many people survive for years afterward.
It is expensive, harsh, and not guaranteed that the poisonous relationship with cooperate.

Maybe our population can cooperate and weed out some of the overseers corrupting our country.
I believe libs and cons are both needed to be watchdogs and air grievances publicly.
We need the cleansing light of truth instead of closed door dealings (which seems to be the norm these days).

The cancer is that it's just regular people. Flawed humans just like you and me that are trying to call all the shots.
They aren't special. They are as **** up as any neighborhood association.
Just people that think they know better. They don't. They cause division that we regulars need to combat.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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31st Arrival
9 Sep 2024 8:57 am
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Deezer Shoove » 09 Sep 2024, 8:41 am » wrote: There needs to be some strange bedfellows in a healing process.

A perfect example is Chemotherapy for cancer treatment.
Most people do not understand the basics of this harsh method.
First, cancer is your own bodily cells growing within your body.
Second, a poison is introduced into the diseased body.
Third, it is hoped the cancerous cells die before the normal cells.
Fourth, the body is put through a torture that hair falls out, appetite is ruined, etc.

With luck and proper care, many people survive for years afterward.
It is expensive, harsh, and not guaranteed that the poisonous relationship with cooperate.

Maybe our population can cooperate and weed out some of the overseers corrupting our country.
I believe libs and cons are both needed to be watchdogs and air grievances publicly.
We need the cleansing light of truth instead of closed door dealings (which seems to be the norm these days).

The cancer is that it's just regular people. Flawed humans just like you and me that are trying to call all the shots.
They aren't special. They are as **** up as any neighborhood association.
Just people that think they know better. They don't. They cause division that we regulars need to combat.
The only thing I don't agree with you on is the part not in this post. Solution to cause and effect that affects everyone equally today. It is all about time management being done by hypothetical time relativity not actual time evolving.
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Deezer Shoove
9 Sep 2024 2:26 pm
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31stArrival » 09 Sep 2024, 8:57 am » wrote: The only thing I don't agree with you on is the part not in this post. Solution to cause and effect that affects everyone equally today. It is all about time management being done by hypothetical time relativity not actual time evolving.

You never make sense so your agreeing with anything is a moot point.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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31st Arrival
9 Sep 2024 4:21 pm
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Deezer Shoove » 09 Sep 2024, 2:26 pm » wrote: You never make sense so your agreeing with anything is a moot point.
Your intellectual mind never considers instincts intelligence. Just nurtured minds cradle to grave limited to evolving in plain sight daily, ignoring life is the standard time of adapting to the moment living here now between heartbeats daily minds reciting ideas for 7.000 years.

Doing the same things every generation working against universal constants constantly expecting better tomorrow next rotation.
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Varnaj42 » 03 Sep 2024, 2:59 pm » wrote: Yes.   I voted democrat for most of my life.  I would do so again if a real American traditionalist democrat were to appear on the political stage.   American liberal yes.   Global leftist... no.   American liberals do not approve of wokism or porn in shcools or any of those things that will lead our country into chaos (so that the globalist masters in Davos can take over).   Real liberals really do think in liberal, progressive terms.  This means they look to the future and see prosperity for our country.  Yes.  An American liberal democrat can be just as patriotic as a right wing republican.  And why not?  What's wrong with living in a strong and vibrant American society where blue collar workers can live in the same communities as do the bankers?  

Now a days being a democrat means something different though.  I see what's happening and I don't like it.  So.... this liberal democrat who is in his eithties now will wait.  I'll bide my time and hope that our country will find the courage to heal itself before we turn into the USSA.

I am voting for Robert Kennedy jr.
If you are a real liberal, democrat then you hate guns and people with guns.  That would make you an enemy of America.  An enemy that needs to be tracked on America's Enemies List.
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Deezer Shoove
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Varnaj42 » 03 Sep 2024, 2:59 pm » wrote: Yes.   I voted democrat for most of my life.  I would do so again if a real American traditionalist democrat were to appear on the political stage.   American liberal yes.   Global leftist... no.   American liberals do not approve of wokism or porn in shcools or any of those things that will lead our country into chaos (so that the globalist masters in Davos can take over).   Real liberals really do think in liberal, progressive terms.  This means they look to the future and see prosperity for our country.  Yes.  An American liberal democrat can be just as patriotic as a right wing republican.  And why not?  What's wrong with living in a strong and vibrant American society where blue collar workers can live in the same communities as do the bankers?  

Now a days being a democrat means something different though.  I see what's happening and I don't like it.  So.... this liberal democrat who is in his eithties now will wait.  I'll bide my time and hope that our country will find the courage to heal itself before we turn into the USSA.

I am voting for Robert Kennedy jr.

Gotta love somebody who misspells shcools and eithties (typos or not).
Proofreading pays off.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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41 minutes ago
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DeezerShoove » 6 minutes ago » wrote: Gotta love somebody who misspells shcools and eithties (typos or not).
Proofreading pays off.
I think he was proving his Pakistinian Ancestry.......they're shrewd like that. :wave:  
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