R: Which Traitor is the Best?

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By Cannonpointer
10 Sep 2024 12:49 pm in Peanut Gallery
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10 Sep 2024 12:50 pm
10 Sep 2024 12:50 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
32,415 posts
The left is firmly programmed that T-Rump is a traitor. Col. He's a traitor.

But he isn't pushing chemical and surgical castration for children. He didn't allow a foreign army to invade our nation under the guise of "immigration." He wants to onshore American jobs through protectionist tariffs instead of signing NEW trade agreements that **** us. 

I don't like Trump. Truly - I don't. And I don't like Kamala. so I don't have the opportunity to defend someone I like. I do not intend to vote for either, because I don't vote for evil. If I DID vote for evil, I would have to pick Kamala, since I refuse to half step.

But I still get to have my hopes. And my HOPE is that Trump wins, because I care a lot more about policies than I do about personalities, and I have reason to HOPE that trump won't sell us out on jobs and won't let foreign armies disguised as "immigrants" invade our nation. 

Sadly, it likely matters not, as the army is already inside of our borders and answering to global elites. They can shut down the grid and take over the country while the military is ordered to stand down. Or WHATEVER their vile plan is. All we know for sure is that armies of military aged men crossed our borders with an inordinate paucity of women and children.
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