Repubs and Dems...two cheeks on the same @ss

By *Vegas
16 Sep 2024 7:39 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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16 Sep 2024 7:39 pm
Giant Slayer
12,340 posts
Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two. 
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16 Sep 2024 7:42 pm
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*Vegas » Today, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.
16 Sep 2024 7:43 pm
Giant Slayer
12,340 posts
What's sad is that most of the people who will respond to this OP will literally prove the OP from their responses. 
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16 Sep 2024 8:10 pm
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*Vegas » Today, 7:43 pm » wrote: What's sad is that most of the people who will respond to this OP will literally prove the OP from their responses.
Great perception there my man.

LIBs are **** - thats a given.  Dont care.
Its the contard-neocons that are just flat embarrassing.

They are such frauds.  They love BIG GOVT EMPIRE...
....but only if THEIR SIDE is starting and controlling the wars.

If *** Graham were the Pres nominee....theyd be throating his cock. :rofl:  

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jerra b
16 Sep 2024 11:51 pm
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*Vegas » Today, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.

all israel has to say is we want bombs and biden says no problememo.
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jerra b
16 Sep 2024 11:53 pm
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*Vegas » Today, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.

any candidate that gets anywhere is backed by aipac, both democrat and republican.

hint hint
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17 Sep 2024 12:28 am
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*Vegas » Yesterday, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.
Yes to your major point that D/R is full of sh(t.

I would dispute your last assumption, which is that "if Americans are much smarter / well read the government would be terrified of us." If you look at countries like S Korea, Sweden, and Japan, you would see their citizenry is full of lemmings - even more obedient than American drones.

Also those reading avgs are dragged down by inner city (mostly non-white) kids, it's different in places like China / Japan where the population is 90%+ one ethnicity. 
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 12:43 am
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*Vegas » Yesterday, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.
what happens when a candidate does not buckle to aipac? 

they lose, like george h bush. ... conference

Instead, the Arab parties agreed that the Palestinians would only be represented by delegates from the occupied territories, and as part of a joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation. Simultaneously, Baker and Bush put pressure on Shamir to drop Israel’s insistence on bilateral negotiations by withholding $10 billion in loan guarantees that he had requested to help settle Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union. The President insisted that Shamir would have to promise that the funds would not be used to finance new settlement activity in the occupied territories. Shamir refused to accept Bush’s demand, but it undoubtedly played a role in his decision to come to Madrid.
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 12:49 am
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*Vegas » Yesterday, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.
------------------------------------ ... 19?lang=en

But that may not be the whole story, or certainly not the most important aspect of the story. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's announcement this past week confirms, through legal acrobatics, the de facto approach of U.S. administrations over the course of four decades to acquiesce to, even enable, the Israeli settlement enterprise; to be silent on the issue of legality or illegality; and to fail to impose a penalty that could limit or discourage Israel's settlement policies. We watched this happen, up close, during our more than 50 combined years of service in U.S. diplomacy under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

The United States has known for decades how damaging settlement activity is in the search for peace - Palestinians cannot trade land for it if they don't possess the land - but with one major exception during the George H.W. Bush administration (when Washington refused for a year to extend $10 billion in housing loan guarantees for absorption of Soviet Jews because of Israeli settlement expansion), we have essentially turned a blind eye. At the first Camp David summit, in 1978, President Jimmy Carter tried to extract a commitment from Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to freeze settlement activity during the negotiations over peace with Egypt, but the terms of that freeze were interpreted differently by both men and never agreed upon. Carter did not insist on a freeze as part of the subsequent negotiations, understanding that the prospect of an Israeli-Egyptian treaty outweighed settlement considerations.
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 1:36 am
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but the one who put the death nell of peace in israel was george w. bush.

//////////////////////Even before the Clinton Parameters were presented, George W. Bush had won the 2000 election, defeating Bill Clinton's Vice President Al Gore. About a month after the Clinton Parameters, Ariel Sharon won the 2001 Israeli prime ministerial election. Both George Bush and Ariel Sharon opposed the Clinton Parameters.[34] Bush had criticized Clinton's efforts both on the campaign trail,[35] and during his meeting with Ariel Sharon in March 2001. According to Bush, Clinton had tried to rush the Israelis and Palestinians into making peace in light of the limited time he had as president.[36]

President Bush informed the newly elected PM Sharon that his administration did not consider the Clinton Parameters valid, likewise Sharon did not feel bound by Barak's proposals.[19] The US State Department under the Bush administration formally repudiated the Clinton Parameters.[36]/
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 1:41 am
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President Clinton announced plans yesterday to hasten economic assistance to Israel, whose visiting prime minister vowed to reinvigorate the "sacred mission" of finding a lasting peace with his country's Arab neighbors.

Clinton, holding a joint news conference with newly elected Prime Minister Ehud Barak, said he will urge Congress to expedite the $1.2 billion in aid that was earmarked for Israel in the peace agreement reached last year at Maryland's Wye Plantation. At the same time, he said, the United States will continue offering aid to the Palestinians and Arab countries in an effort to maintain the delicate balance in the Middle East.

The White House news conference climaxed a long weekend in which Clinton and Barak met for a total of 15 hours, developing the kind of close relationship that the president lacked with Barak's more conservative and hawkish predecessor, Binyamin Netanyahu, administration aides said. Barak, a former general who ousted Netanyahu in May's elections, said his government "will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to reinvigorate the [peace] process, which must be based upon direct talks between the parties themselves and conducted in an atmosphere of mutual trust
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 2:19 am
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obama and the israel settlements.

---------------------------------------------- ... roductive/
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 2:25 am
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clinton loses to trump
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 2:35 am
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trump and israel settlements ... mp-illegal
Flashback: Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in November 2019 announced the U.S. would no longer view Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem as "inconsistent with international law."
  • While largely symbolic for the Trump administration, it was a major shift in U.S. policy because it overturned a legal position held by the U.S. State Department since 1978, when the Carter administration determined that the settlements were a violation of international law. Much of the international community holds the view that the settlements are illegal.
  • "We are simply reaffirming the fundamental conclusion that these settlements are inconsistent with international law. ... That is a position that has been consistent over a range of Republican and Democratic administrations," Kirby said. "If there's an administration that is being inconsistent, it was the previous one."
Driving the news: The Israeli government on Thursday announced that it will soon approve plans for more than 3,000 new housing units in the settlements.
  • It was the first decision to expand the settlements since the Gaza war started. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hasn't taken such steps in recent months to avoid any major confrontation with the Biden administration, according to Israeli officials.
  • The Israeli announcement came after authorities said an attack by Palestinian gunmen near the Maale Adumim settlement killed one Israeli and wounded several others.

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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 2:40 am
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during biden's reign.....

thousands of people are evicted, homes demolished.

biden could stop this and withhold funds from israel but he won't.

he makes a statement and says he is zion.
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 3:34 am
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------------------------------------- ... dom-envoy/

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump nominated Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, who has a long history of cooperation with the Jewish community on religious freedom issues, as his envoy on religious freedom.

“While a member of the Senate, he worked actively on the issue of religious freedom in multiple countries and was a key sponsor of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998,” a White House statement released Wednesday evening said, referring to the law that created the office.

Brownback, a staunch conservative, has had a close relationship with the gamut of Jewish communal organizations. While in the Senate, he chaired the US Helsinki Commission, the parliamentary body that monitors human rights abuses, and was outspoken in identifying anti-Semitism overseas. He was one of the leading pro-Israel voices in the Senate and an early advocate of expanded sanctions targeting Iran. He made support for Israel a central plank of his short run for president in the 2008 race.

Keep Watching
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 3:57 am
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6,559 posts ... e-solution
At his meeting with the US President Donald Trump at the White House on February 15, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu scored what in his eyes must be a spectacular diplomatic success: he got the new president to reverse the US’ long-standing support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to give him a free hand to do more or less whatever he likes with the West Bank.The major stumbling block to a two-state solution is the illegal Zionist colonial project on the West Bank. The Obama administration repeatedly tried and failed to secure an Israeli settlement freeze.
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jerra b
17 Sep 2024 4:02 am
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The election of Donald Trump let Israel off the hook. He was pro-Israel and pro-settlements and he campaigned on a promise to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

President-elect Trump tweeted his opposition to the Security Council resolution and promised that things will change after January 20. Netanyahu conveyed to the president-elect and his team his opposition to a Palestinian state well in advance of inauguration.

He also assured his hawkish ministers at home that he would make it clear to Trump that all he is willing to concede to the Palestinians is a “state minus”, suggesting a level of autonomy well short of statehood.

At the press conference with Netanyahu, Trump denounced what he regarded as unfair and one-sided action against Israel at the UN and indicated that he would not hesitate to use the veto to protect the US’ junior ally.

His other comments were practically identical to the Israeli government’s talking points: Trump criticised the Palestinians for their alleged incitement of their children to hate Israelis, he urged the Palestinians to recognise Israel as a Jewish state, and he stressed that it is the parties themselves who must work out the peace deal.

This ignored the staggering asymmetry of power between the parties which precludes a voluntary agreement: Israel is too strong and the Palestinians are too weak. Hence the need for a third party to redress the balance.
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