Repubs and Dems...two cheeks on the same @ss

By *Vegas
16 Sep 2024 7:39 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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17 Sep 2024 5:43 am
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*Vegas » Yesterday, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.
Least informed person on the Planet, demands we read.

Watches live coverage of the Depp/Heard trial.

You can't make this up on hallucinogens.

Applauded by two twats nearly as ignorant.
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17 Sep 2024 5:51 am
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jerrab » Today, 4:02 am » wrote: ---------------------------------------------------

The election of Donald Trump let Israel off the hook. He was pro-Israel and pro-settlements and he campaigned on a promise to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

President-elect Trump tweeted his opposition to the Security Council resolution and promised that things will change after January 20. Netanyahu conveyed to the president-elect and his team his opposition to a Palestinian state well in advance of inauguration.

He also assured his hawkish ministers at home that he would make it clear to Trump that all he is willing to concede to the Palestinians is a “state minus”, suggesting a level of autonomy well short of statehood.

At the press conference with Netanyahu, Trump denounced what he regarded as unfair and one-sided action against Israel at the UN and indicated that he would not hesitate to use the veto to protect the US’ junior ally.

His other comments were practically identical to the Israeli government’s talking points: Trump criticised the Palestinians for their alleged incitement of their children to hate Israelis, he urged the Palestinians to recognise Israel as a Jewish state, and he stressed that it is the parties themselves who must work out the peace deal.

This ignored the staggering asymmetry of power between the parties which precludes a voluntary agreement: Israel is too strong and the Palestinians are too weak. Hence the need for a third party to redress the balance.
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2024 6:04 am
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Oh the duelity of a social mind between 2 party thought process where agreeing to disagree about specific results is a positive outcome saving humanity governing 8.2 billion ancestors occupying time today simply separated by relative generation gaps present.

Yet, the species goes to wars over which ancestral lineage and generation gap inherits the earth tomorrow as life is always limited to adapting as displaced each rotation here since conceived as a lifetime uniquely alive each rotation here, never same results between any two heartbeats since a zygote form in their mother's womb..
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17 Sep 2024 8:12 am
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*Vegas » Yesterday, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.
It is interesting to read the account of how Israel was recognized by the usa in the first place. It happened under Harry Truman, whose diary entries suggest that he was basically being bullied by the Jewish lobby...including a fascinating quote that went 'not even Jesus could satisfy these people, so how could I be expected to?'.

At the time all of his top advisors warned that recognizing israel would be a horrible geopolicical mistake. But some old co worker of truman, who he sold hats with, and who was a jew and a zionist, basically managed to get a bunch of private meetings with Harry and with some resistance talked him into recognizing the state of Israel, largely based on what horrible things happened to jews during the war.
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Deezer Shoove
17 Sep 2024 8:31 am
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*Vegas » Yesterday, 7:39 pm » wrote: Two cheeks on the same *** both working together to squeeze out the same ****. Sometimes they are constipated, thus the turd finally comes out like a cement block. Sometimes they have explosive diarrhea that paint the walls brown. Regardless of what the **** looks like, the end result is always the same. It's all ****. 

And here we have our beloved American society that holds the following views:
1. Democrats - "but...but...but...Trump. Trump this and Trump that..."
2. Republicans- " I want to lick Israel's balls daily. Let them commit genocide and continue to kill everyone. Good for them."

I have posted stats on another thread that showed  the average reading level of the average adult American. Our society reads at a 7th grade level. Russia, China, Europe, Japan, and all of the Nordic countries are above 12th grade. 

If we improved our reading level to the same status as the rest of the developed world, the government would be terrified of us. But they aren't, because they know how dumb the average American can be. 

Wake up and go read a book or two.

How archaic can you be? Reading is tough when you're under-educated.
Gimme mah beats... Ah's to stupit to even lik musik now...
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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17 Sep 2024 8:51 am
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Israel is falling apart - its funny!! :rofl:  
17 Sep 2024 9:20 am
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » Today, 5:43 am » wrote: Least informed person on the Planet, demands we read.

Watches live coverage of the Depp/Heard trial.

You can't make this up on hallucinogens.

Applauded by two twats nearly as ignorant.

Not one intelligent thought here. Not one. All insults, no rebuttal. 

17 Sep 2024 9:23 am
Giant Slayer
12,344 posts
LowIQTrash » Today, 12:28 am » wrote: Yes to your major point that D/R is full of sh(t.

I would dispute your last assumption, which is that "if Americans are much smarter / well read the government would be terrified of us." If you look at countries like S Korea, Sweden, and Japan, you would see their citizenry is full of lemmings - even more obedient and subservient / certainly "not terrified at all of their governments" than American drones.

Also those reading avgs are dragged down by inner city (mostly non-white) kids, it's different in places like China / Japan where the population is 90%+ one ethnicity.

True, but most of their citizens are unarmed also. Our government wants us to be stupid because it's the only way they can maintain control over us. 
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17 Sep 2024 9:23 am
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*** on the Left.

Trannies on the Right.

The Tranny States of ***

:rofl:   :rofl:  
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17 Sep 2024 9:24 am
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*Vegas » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Not one intelligent thought here. Not one. All insults, no rebuttal. 

A series of Level 1 facts marshaled to support a conclusion....

Behold....and despair.
17 Sep 2024 9:25 am
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 3 minutes ago » wrote: A series of Level 1 facts marshaled to support a conclusion....

Behold....and despair.

Still no rebuttal. 

1. Deflect and stalk
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17 Sep 2024 9:29 am
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*Vegas » 6 minutes ago » wrote: Still no rebuttal. 

1. Deflect and stalk
That's a direct rebuttal of your empty assertion.
17 Sep 2024 9:32 am
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 8 minutes ago » wrote: That's a direct rebuttal of your empty assertion.

Prove it's an empty assertion. Oh that's right. The rules don't apply to you. 

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17 Sep 2024 9:35 am
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*Vegas » 5 minutes ago » wrote: Prove it's an empty assertion. Oh that's right. The rules don't apply to you.
I did...

With a direct rebuttal.
17 Sep 2024 9:38 am
Giant Slayer
12,350 posts
Blackvegetable » 6 minutes ago » wrote: I did...

With a direct rebuttal.

No, *******. Insults is not proof nor is considered to be a rebuttal. 

If I have to explain why, then you are dumber than I thought. 
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17 Sep 2024 10:52 am
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*Vegas » Today, 9:38 am » wrote: No, *******. Insults is not proof nor is considered to be a rebuttal. 

If I have to explain why, then you are dumber than I thought.
You are Level refuse to read, even YOUR OWN spent days watching HNN's trial coverage while letting the laundry pile up.

These are thruths
17 Sep 2024 11:00 am
Giant Slayer
12,355 posts
Blackvegetable » 11 minutes ago » wrote: You are Level refuse to read, even YOUR OWN spent days watching HNN's trial coverage while letting the laundry pile up.

These are thruths

You stalked. 100% accuracy. 

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17 Sep 2024 11:42 am
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*Vegas » 44 minutes ago » wrote: You stalked. 100% accuracy. 

You didn't deny a single fact
17 Sep 2024 11:43 am
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 2 minutes ago » wrote: You didn't deny a single fact

You didn't post any. 
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17 Sep 2024 11:44 am
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*Vegas » 1 minute ago » wrote: You didn't post any.
Prove it.

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