JohnEdgar has some explaining to do.....Now his parents died two different ways....

By BooRadley
18 Sep 2024 7:08 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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18 Sep 2024 7:08 pm
4,562 posts
Hey John:.....A few days ago you mentioned that your Dad died from gun violence.

Now they died from a head on drunk driving accident?

Which one is the lie?

ImagePosts: 860Politics: DemocraticLocation: W. Jacksonville FLMoney: 2,463                 
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BooRadley » 36 minutes ago » wrote: 
36 minutes ago
Must have died very young ..
60's head on, dunk driver. Very sad
over 1000 people at the Celebration of Life.
Not a dry eye in the crowd.

18 Sep 2024 7:09 pm
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Having trouble keeping your stories straight?

Must be a Democrat
18 Sep 2024 7:17 pm
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But just a few days ago...

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Location: W. Jacksonville FL
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Not to me. My dad was murdered by a child.

But since that's YOUR thing, the next time you say ONE **** WORD about banning guns, I'm gonna go splatter a child.

TRY ME. And a baby dies. Image
My dad was murdered by a child as well.
Ban guns, there I said it.
18 Sep 2024 7:18 pm
4,564 posts
Hey JohnEdgar...

Tell us...
Was it a drunk driver....
Gun violence...

Or are they just upstairs ????
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Yesterday 2:31 am
BooRadley » Yesterday, 7:18 pm » wrote: Hey JohnEdgar...

Tell us...
Was it a drunk driver....
Gun violence...

Or are they just upstairs discussing how much of a loser their son is?

Your own words makes you a liar.
14 year old child behind the wheel.


Send your address YOU DUMB ****  :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:  

Yesterday 4:06 am
4,566 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 2:31 am » wrote: My dad was murdered when I was a child
My mom remarried
Yes my mom and dad were killed by a DRUNK

Send your address YOU DUMB SKANK  Image   Image   Image   Image   Image
You lied
You got caught..
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Yesterday 4:07 am
BooRadley » 6 minutes ago » wrote: You lied
You got caught..
Let's visit the gravesite, together
Yesterday 4:10 am
4,570 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 4 minutes ago » wrote: Let's visit the gravesite, together
During a debate you said your Dad was killed by a child....
Now you changed that.
He now was killed when you were a child?

Yesterday 4:11 am
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BooRadley » Yesterday, 7:17 pm » wrote: But just a few days ago...

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Posts: 860
Politics: Democratic
Location: W. Jacksonville FL
Money: 2,463

Not to me. My dad was murdered by a child.

But since that's YOUR thing, the next time you say ONE **** WORD about banning guns, I'm gonna go splatter a child.

TRY ME. And a baby dies. Image
My dad was murdered by a child as well.
Ban guns, there I said it.
" My Dad was murdered by a child"
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Yesterday 4:13 am
BooRadley » 6 minutes ago » wrote: During a debate you said your Dad was killed by a child....
Now you changed that.
He now was killed when you were a child?

I meant to say he was killed when I was a child. My mistake
My biological father was murdered when I was a child
my mom remarried
both died, killed by a drunk driver

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Yesterday 4:14 am
I meant to say he was killed when I was a child. My mistake

are you amused talking about dead people
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Yesterday 4:15 am
BooRadley » 6 minutes ago » wrote: During a debate you said your Dad was killed by a child....
Now you changed that.
He now was killed when you were a child?

leave your morning dump in the toilet
wash your hands
get back to us in 10 or so
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Yesterday 4:22 am
BooRadley » 12 minutes ago » wrote: During a debate you said your Dad was killed by a child....
Now you changed that.
He now was killed when you were a child?

Yesterday 4:25 am
4,571 posts
BooRadley » 17 minutes ago » wrote: During a debate you said your Dad was killed by a child....
Now you changed that.
He now was killed when you were a child?

Your Dad was killed by a child....
But now you changed that....

And the other Dad you had that was killed wasn't your biological father ..
You changed that too.

Seems like you can't keep your stories straight 
Liars never can.

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Yesterday 4:28 am
BooRadley » 7 minutes ago » wrote: So.   
Your Dad was killed by a child....
But now you changed that....

And the other Dad you had that was killed wasn't your biological father ..
You changed that too.

Seems like you can't keep your stories straight 
Liars never can.
I think you are confused.
My biological father was murdered when I was young
My mother remarried
My Dad and Mom were killed by a drunk
What part do you not comprehend.
Let's visit the grave site of all three
Send me your address, and I will send an Uber  :rofl:  
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Yesterday 4:30 am
BooRadley » 22 minutes ago » wrote: During a debate you said your Dad was killed by a child....
Now you changed that.
He now was killed when you were a child?

at the end of the day
all three are dead
Yesterday 4:36 am
4,572 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 7 minutes ago » wrote: at the end of the day
all three are dead
At the end of the day your story started changing ......
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Yesterday 4:36 am
BooRadley » 1 minute ago » wrote: At the end of the day your story started changing ......
the day just started  :)  
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