JohnEdgar has some explaining to do.....Now his parents died two different ways....

By BooRadley
18 Sep 2024 7:08 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 7:28 am
BooRadley » 4 minutes ago » wrote: You say one day your Dad was murdered by a child.
Then the next day he was killed by a drunk driver.

I would think most clear thinking people would have trouble comprehending.
Be honest with yourself.
You doxed a person here and you are Z09
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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 7:34 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 4:14 am » wrote: ^^amused talking about dead people
You're a total **** hypocrite.

I asked if you realized a man nearly died in your Laugh About Death raffle.
Your reply was trying to make a joke:
#32 Re: Trump "Ear Chunks" raffle

You expect people to give a **** about you and yours? Go **** yourself.
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Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Yesterday 7:38 am
4,614 posts
DeezerShoove » 6 minutes ago » wrote: You're a total **** hypocrite.

I asked if you realized a man nearly died in your Laugh About Death raffle.
Your reply was trying to make a joke:
#32 Re: Trump "Ear Chunks" raffle

You expect people to give a **** about you and yours? Go **** yourself.
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Imagine ..

One day he says his Dad was killed by a child

Then he says both parents were killed by a drunk driver.

All he does is lie...
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Yesterday 7:40 am
DeezerShoove » 6 minutes ago » wrote: You're a total **** hypocrite.

I asked if you realized a man nearly died in your Laugh About Death raffle.
Your reply was trying to make a joke:
#32 Re: Trump "Ear Chunks" raffle

You expect people to give a **** about you and yours? Go **** yourself.
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nearly dying and dead are not the same 


are you in or out on the Raffle?
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Yesterday 7:40 am
DeezerShoove » 11 minutes ago » wrote: You're a total **** hypocrite.

I asked if you realized a man nearly died in your Laugh About Death raffle.
Your reply was trying to make a joke:
#32 Re: Trump "Ear Chunks" raffle

You expect people to give a **** about you and yours? Go **** yourself.
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is it OK to dox members
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Yesterday 8:53 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:40 am » wrote: is it OK to dox members
just curious 
**** you ya chicken **** leftist ****.
He's dead Jim!
Yesterday 12:26 pm
4,615 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:40 am » wrote: is it OK to dox members
just curious
You sent me an email saying you'll dox me...

Why would you do that?
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Yesterday 12:43 pm
BooRadley » 21 minutes ago » wrote: You sent me an email saying you'll dox me...

Why would you do that?
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:12 am » wrote: I had to get your attention.
You flooded my inbox with questions.
I thought it would shut you up!
It didn't. I figured out how to stop email from users.
thank God!
You truly are a dumb **** and a NAG as well!
Yesterday 12:44 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 4 minutes ago » wrote: NOD YOU DUMB ****
So you want me information so you can dox me?
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Yesterday 12:46 pm
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98% Macho Man
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BooRadley » Today, 4:25 am » wrote: So.   
Your Dad was killed by a child....
But now you changed that....

And the other Dad you had that was killed wasn't your biological father ..
You changed that too.

Seems like you can't keep your stories straight 
Liars never can.
It's always t5he cover up that brings them down.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
Yesterday 12:47 pm
Giant Slayer
12,399 posts
BooRadley » Yesterday, 7:08 pm » wrote: Hey John:.....A few days ago you mentioned that your Dad died from gun violence.

Now they died from a head on drunk driving accident?

Which one is the lie?

ImagePosts: 860Politics: DemocraticLocation: W. Jacksonville FLMoney: 2,463                 
  • [url=javascript:;]N[/url]
60's head on, dunk driver. Very sad
over 1000 people at the Celebration of Life.
Not a dry eye in the crowd.

He is VegasGiant. That guy lies incessantly. He is literally proud of lying. He wears it like a badge of honor. 
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Yesterday 12:47 pm
BooRadley » 8 minutes ago » wrote: So you want me information so you can dox me?
DUMB ****

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Yesterday 12:51 pm
BooRadley » 8 minutes ago » wrote: So you want me information so you can dox me?
I want you to stop being a DUMB ****
Yesterday 12:57 pm
Giant Slayer
12,401 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 6 minutes ago » wrote: I want you to stop being a DUMB ****
Image   Image  It appears that @BooRadley  lives in your head rent free also. 

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Yesterday 1:01 pm
4,617 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 11 minutes ago » wrote: I want you to stop being a DUMB ****
Within a couple days you claimed your father was # 1.....Murdered by a child
And then he was killed by a drunken driver

You sound like the dumb one
Yesterday 1:07 pm
Giant Slayer
12,403 posts
BooRadley » 6 minutes ago » wrote: Within a couple days you claimed your father was # 1.....Murdered by a child
And then he was killed by a drunken driver

You sound like the dumb one

The dude is beyond dumb. He will frequently accuse others of not being able to debate, while trolling at the same time. 

He is dumber than a box of rocks. I also live in his head. Well done. Keep up the good work.  :rofl:  
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Yesterday 1:11 pm
BooRadley » 11 minutes ago » wrote: Within a couple days you claimed your father was # 1.....Murdered by a child
And then he was killed by a drunken driver

You sound like the dumb one
Yesterday 1:15 pm
4,618 posts
*Vegas » 10 minutes ago » wrote: The dude is beyond dumb. He will frequently accuse others of not being able to debate, while trolling at the same time. 

He is dumber than a box of rocks. I also live in his head. Well done. Keep up the good work.  Image
Couple weeks ago he said 98% of gun owners are willing to surrender their guns..

Still waiting for where he dug up that number
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