JohnEdgar has some explaining to do.....Now his parents died two different ways....

By BooRadley
18 Sep 2024 7:08 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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DeezerShoove » 11 minutes ago » wrote: Let me (one last attempt) clear up that you "had a relationship" prior to these day's frictional mess, no?
You seem to know a lot about your nemesis. Likewise that person about you. History, nome sane?

You can play coy and hurt and be stalked . . .  I see a two-way street for some reason.

Kinda done with this.
Let me clear it up for ya. 

Various people have posted that @BooRadley  is @Z09  and that user was banned. In addition this user pretends to be a woman.
Various people have posted the DUMB **** doxed a member on this site. I will not name that person, for respect (duhh)
With that in mind, from the harassment and flooded inbox form the DUMB **** (I got that name from @mrkelley ) I decided to ask
the DUMB **** to step forward and address the allegations if that said DUMB **** was the banned @Z09  

DUMB **** is hiding. DUMB **** will say "no I am not Z09"  :rolleyes:  BUT too many people have identified the DUMB **** as Z09

Also, out of due respect, I don't recall asking the DUMB **** how she or he identifies.

Right now I identify as "Your Huckleberry" 
Later today? Who knows, maybe a pistachio

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Deezer Shoove
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 32 minutes ago » wrote: Let me clear it up for ya. 

Various people have posted that @BooRadley  is @Z09  and that user was banned. In addition this user pretends to be a woman.
Various people have posted the DUMB **** doxed a member on this site. I will not name that person, for respect (duhh)
With that in mind, from the harassment and flooded inbox form the DUMB **** (I got that name from @mrkelley Image I decided to ask
the DUMB **** to step forward and address the allegations if that said DUMB **** was the banned @Z09  

DUMB **** is hiding. DUMB **** will say "no I am not Z09"  Image  BUT too many people have identified the DUMB **** as Z09

Also, out of due respect, I don't recall asking the DUMB **** how she or he identifies.

Right now I identify as "Your Huckleberry" 
Later today? Who knows, maybe a pistachio

So you inserted yourself into this and pissed someone off (regardless of your intent).
Since you helped "gang up", the person assumes you are a sok too. Who wouldn't?

For it to continue, you need to have built up some resentment, fight back, why me? attitude.
Regardless if the poster in question is the "criminal" you surmise, their focus has shifted to you.
You played a part in it as well.

All of my conjecture is assuming you have been truthful. I mean, it took this many posts just to get here.
Good luck in your quest. :wave:  
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Today 6:45 am
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DeezerShoove » 4 minutes ago » wrote: So you inserted yourself into this and pissed someone off (regardless of your intent).
Since you helped "gang up", the person assumes you are a sok too. Who wouldn't?

For it to continue, you need to have built up some resentment, fight back, why me? attitude.
Regardless if the poster in question is the "criminal" you surmise, their focus has shifted to you.
You played a part in it as well.

All of my conjecture is assuming you have been truthful. I mean, it took this many posts just to get here.
Good luck in your quest. Image
where is the "gang"  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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Today 7:06 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 5:28 am » wrote: FLAGRANT HOMOSEXUAL, CHILD DANGER ^^^

Lol, unoriginal ****.
He's dead Jim!
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Today 7:09 am
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sooted up Cyndi » Today, 5:22 am » wrote: Aw- you missed me. How sweet. ;)  
Indeed! I was watching my dog take a **** and just naturally thought of you.
He's dead Jim!
Today 7:25 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 42 minutes ago » wrote: Gersh,,,
where is the "gang"  Image   Image   Image  
Inserted? the dumb **** flooded my inbox
If and when she DOXs you, I am going to CHUCKLE
I never flooded your inbox you liar..

Lie much?

You can't even keep your parents deaths straight
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Today 7:40 am
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BooRadley » 18 minutes ago » wrote: I never flooded your inbox you liar..

Lie much?

You can't even keep your parents deaths straight
sure you did you LYING DUMB ****
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Today 7:42 am
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BooRadley » 18 minutes ago » wrote: I never flooded your inbox you liar..

Lie much?

You can't even keep your parents deaths straight
It's tough to deal with the deaths of three parents
NDA and a shovel  :)  
Today 7:45 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 6 minutes ago » wrote: It's tough to deal with the deaths of three parents
NDA and a shovel  Image
Because you've been caught in so many lies I doubt very much if you're parents are dead.

You join this site and start lying...
Then you tell two different stories about how your parents died....

And you want to be believed....

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Today 7:48 am
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BooRadley » 2 minutes ago » wrote: Because you've been caught in so many lies I doubt very much if you're parents are dead.

You join this site and start lying...
Then you tell two different stories about how your parents died....

And you want to be believed....
DUMB ****

Correct, two stories.
1. dad was murdered when I was a kid
2. dad and mon killed by a drunk driver

No one believes you are NOT @Z09  
you are @Z09  and you were banned. 

flood my mail box again DUMB ****  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 13 minutes ago » wrote: sure you did you LYING DUMB ****

that bitch doxxed me twice!
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 5 minutes ago » wrote: DUMB ****

Correct, two stories.
1. dad was murdered when I was a kid
2. dad and mon killed by a drunk driver

No one believes you are NOT @Z09  
you are @Z09  and you were banned. 

flood my mail box again DUMB ****  Image   Image   Image   Image
You stated your Dad was killed by a kid..


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Not to me. My dad was murdered by a child.
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BooRadley » 18 Sep 2024, 7:08 pm » wrote: Hey John:.....A few days ago you mentioned that your Dad died from gun violence.

Now they died from a head on drunk driving accident?

Which one is the lie?

ImagePosts: 860Politics: DemocraticLocation: W. Jacksonville FLMoney: 2,463                 
  • [url=javascript:;]N[/url]
60's head on, dunk driver. Very sad
over 1000 people at the Celebration of Life.
Not a dry eye in the crowd.
Just another pathological lying libtard to watch  disgrace hesheit's self over and over and over again.
Once the level of dishonesty reaches the level that you have revealed, then it really is a waste of time responding to him/her/it. :)  
Today 8:20 am
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GHETTOBLASTER » 8 minutes ago » wrote: Just another pathological lying libtard to watch  disgrace hesheit's self over and over and over again.
Once the level of dishonesty reaches the level that you have revealed, then it really is a waste of time responding to him/her/it. Image
Can you imagine?

They lie so much they can't even keep straight when their parents died.

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BooRadley » Today, 7:50 am » wrote: You stated your Dad was killed by a kid..


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Not to me. My dad was murdered by a child.
technically my father was murdered by a child when I was a child. A 15 year old to be exact.
Was NOT tried as an adult. I didn't want to mention any more information as we know you like to DOX people.

You DUMB ****  :)  
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Deezer Shoove
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 6:45 am » wrote: Gersh,,,
where is the "gang"  Image   Image   Image  
Inserted? the dumb **** flooded my inbox
If and when she DOXs you, I am going to CHUCKLE

You said the poster had people bitching about "her".
       ...If you added to even one person drilling "her", that is ganging up. Two against one, right?
You joined the event uninvited (by the way you described it - out of mere curiosity).
Then the inbox stuff...

Plus you are maintaining that you two had NO previous history.

Is that a proper synopsis?
Only going by what you posted here. Not defending or attacking anyone.
Why you wish poison onto me with a chuckle is odd.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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4 minutes ago
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DeezerShoove » 8 minutes ago » wrote: You said the poster had people bitching about "her".
       ...If you added to even one person drilling "her", that is ganging up. Two against one, right?
You joined the event uninvited (by the way you described it - out of mere curiosity).
Then the inbox stuff...

Plus you are maintaining that you two had NO previous history.

Is that a proper synopsis?
Only going by what you posted here. Not defending or attacking anyone.
Why you wish poison onto me with a chuckle is odd.
Bitching, aka sharing information the DUMB **** is Z09 and was banned and she is back as BooRadley
You see anyone but me drilling her? (I wouldn't touch her with a 50 foot pole).
What event?
yes, the inbox. Really pissed me off. Told the DUMB **** to STOP. Nope, she continued
Don't know this DUMB **** from the man on the moon
Well, if you don't care a banned DOXer is roaming this board and ready to DOX, let the chips fall where they may.


You ban ME, and @BooRadley  

All good? 

What say you?
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