JohnEdgar has some explaining to do.....Now his parents died two different ways....

By BooRadley
18 Sep 2024 7:08 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 5:19 am
31stArrival » 7 minutes ago » wrote: The mind of a patronizing self deceptionist only cares about their character on a world of staged social narratives defending their rational ideas life isn't self evident adapting to the moment equally alive daily.

How did you originate at occupying time so far always celebrating your day of birth wishing you were never born as the ancestor you been since conceived?

the factual missing link in evolution is how humanity governs time to each ancestry's last 5 generation gaps living today from the sole position as each great great grandchild born this rotation of the planet.

Power of suggestion that the end of the day is midnight, not dusk and the end of night is dawn not noon. International dateline vs Greenwich time by the Gregorian Calendar.
Yesterday 5:20 am
4,591 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 9 minutes ago » wrote: yes, heading out
I have to get people registered to vote.
Trump is a threat to democracy. Good chance the USA will not have another election if Trump wins.
I am doing this work to Save this Country.

Door to door.
Where's these graves you want to show me?
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Yesterday 5:20 am
BooRadley » 3 minutes ago » wrote: Where's these graves you want to show me?
in the ground
Yesterday 5:22 am
4,591 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 4 minutes ago » wrote: send your full name and address and I will have an NDA sent to you
once we have that signed we can go to the grave yard. 
Please bring a shovel. Do you own a shovel?

Doesn't work like that kid ..

Just show us the town and cemetery...

Should take about 15 seconds .
Unless of course if you're lying
Yesterday 5:22 am
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Got caught in a lie huh?

And now you're in a jam.
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Yesterday 5:22 am
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BooRadley » Yesterday, 7:08 pm » wrote: Hey John:.....A few days ago you mentioned that your Dad died from gun violence.

Now they died from a head on drunk driving accident?

Which one is the lie?

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60's head on, dunk driver. Very sad
over 1000 people at the Celebration of Life.
Not a dry eye in the crowd.

He's a typical lying america hating leftist bastard.
He's dead Jim!
Yesterday 5:24 am
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murdock » 5 minutes ago » wrote: He's a typical lying america hating leftist bastard.
He's told 2 completely different stories about the death of his parents...
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Yesterday 5:26 am
BooRadley » 6 minutes ago » wrote: Doesn't work like that kid ..

Just show us the town and cemetery...

Should take about 15 seconds .
Unless of course if you're lying
There is no "us", This is You and Me and an NDA
If you dox me, you are going to be in trouble with the Law.
My rules.

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31st Arrival
Yesterday 5:26 am
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Reasonable doubt is the nurture of evil, live by devils in the details governing tomorrows results arriving now. All that past evolving only arrived in series parallel time as displaced since rotation conceived.
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Yesterday 5:28 am
BooRadley » 4 minutes ago » wrote: He's told 2 completely different stories about the death of his parents...
I had two dads
both are dead
one murdered
one killed by a drunk
both in the ground
both in a grave yard

Send your full name and address. NDA

Let's talk about YOUR family. Go ahead, share 

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Yesterday 5:29 am
31stArrival » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Reasonable doubt is the nurture of evil, live by devils in the details governing tomorrows results arriving now. All that past evolving only arrived in series parallel time as displaced since rotation conceived.
that's reasonable
Yesterday 5:29 am
4,594 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 5 minutes ago » wrote: I had two dads
both are dead
one murdered
one killed by a drunk
both in the ground
both in a grave yard

Send your full name and address. NDA

Let's talk about YOUR family. Go ahead, share
You said your Dad was murdered by a child ..
Then was killed by a drunk driver 

How was your Dad killed by a child?
Yesterday 5:30 am
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BooRadley » Yesterday, 7:17 pm » wrote: But just a few days ago...

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Not to me. My dad was murdered by a child.

But since that's YOUR thing, the next time you say ONE **** WORD about banning guns, I'm gonna go splatter a child.

TRY ME. And a baby dies. Image
My dad was murdered by a child as well.
Ban guns, there I said it.
"Murdered by a child"

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31st Arrival
Yesterday 5:33 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 9 minutes ago » wrote: that's reasonable
Your patronizing sarcastic mind really suits your character role pretending to be unequally alive today.
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Yesterday 5:42 am
BooRadley » 14 minutes ago » wrote: You said your Dad was murdered by a child ..
Then was killed by a drunk driver 

How was your Dad killed by a child?
I told you my dad was murdered when I was a child
what part do you not understand. Do you want to see my dead fathers plots or not?
If yes, send your full name and address. I will get the NDA sent
If not, your loss.

You can not be trusted.
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Yesterday 5:43 am
31stArrival » 10 minutes ago » wrote: Your patronizing sarcastic mind really suits your character role pretending to be unequally alive today.
your sarcasm is noted
Yesterday 5:45 am
4,595 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 6 minutes ago » wrote: I told you my dad was murdered when I was a child
what part do you not understand. Do you want to see my dead fathers plots or not?
If yes, send your full name and address. I will get the NDA sent
If not, your loss.

You can not be trusted.
I can not be trusted?

You claim your Dad was killed by a child ..
Then a week later he was killed by a drunk driver 

Now you've changed it to "when you were a child"....
....not by a child 

So tell us 
What happened that your Dad was killed?
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31st Arrival
Yesterday 5:46 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 5 minutes ago » wrote: your sarcasm is noted
Your insane mind is being observed by a brain capable of navigating natural eternal separation of my time since conceived beyond what humanity has done historically corrupting my own ancestry as well as yours.

I took the time to figure out how to correct the corruption, you don't want it to end. good vs evil
Yesterday 5:49 am
4,596 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 10 minutes ago » wrote: your sarcasm is noted
You know ..
The truth is easy to remember.

In this case you've changed numerous details about your parents...
So how did your Dad get himself killed?
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Yesterday 5:49 am
BooRadley » 4 minutes ago » wrote: You know ..
The truth is easy to remember.

In this case you've changed numerous details about your parents...
So how did your Dad get himself killed?
he didn't ask for it
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