If you still need evidence of how dumb our society has become...here you go.

By *Vegas
Yesterday 12:21 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 12:17 pm
Giant Slayer
12,398 posts
Only an American society, can pop stars swing an election. More evidence that the average American cannot think for themself, even if they tried. At 7th grade reading levels, one is only limited to understanding simple instructions, ads, and text that does not include a semicolon. 

Never mind using logic and reason to sway votes. Never mind researching a candidate's past experience, voting records, public platforms, and anything remotely related to a candidates governing ability. Let's all look to see what celebrities want to do, then vote in that direction. 

The pop star endorsement that could really swing the election? Bad Bunny.

The stars of Democratic politics were aligning behind Kamala Harris. Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and assorted liberal luminaries had sung her praises at the Democratic convention. Megawatt endorsements from Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish would soon follow. But there’s another pop star who has not weighed in — and whose endorsement could hold unique power in November. By late August, political consultant Maria Cardona’s phone was buzzing with texts from people in Latino Democratic circles, asking the same question.“Where’s Bad Bunny?” Cardona said, summarizing the messages. “We have to get Bad Bunny.”Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio. The Puerto Rican recording artist, one of the biggest superstars in the world — and the biggest Latino one. What would it mean for him to endorse Harris?“That would be like a Thanos-level event,” said Kristian Ramos, another Democratic consultant, alluding to the all-powerful Marvel Universe character to underscore the potential power of Bad Bunny co-signing a presidential campaign. Ramos has daydreamed about such a scenario with his political friends. “Like a snap,” he said. “That’s a game-over moment.”Why? Well, for one, Pennsylvania, perhaps the most important swing state (where many pollsters see a dead heat between Harris and Donald Trump), is home to the third-largest population of Puerto Ricans outside the island — including roughly 300,000 eligible voters.“Bad Bunny would give them that green light, right?” says Victor Martinez, a radio host and owner of five Pennsylvania stations who recently appeared in an ad for Harris. “That sense of, ‘Okay, if he’s for her, then it’s okay for me to be for her as well.’”
The pop star endorsement that could really swing the election? Bad Bunny. (msn.com)
Yesterday 12:43 pm
974 posts
*Vegas » 29 minutes ago » wrote: Only in American society, can pop stars swing an election. More evidence that the average American cannot think for themself, even if they tried. At 7th grade reading levels, one is only limited to understanding simple instructions, ads, and text that does not include a semicolon. 

Never mind using logic and reason to sway votes. Never mind researching a candidate's past experience, voting records, public platforms, and anything remotely related to a candidates governing ability. Let's all look to see what celebrities want to do, then vote in that direction. 


The pop star endorsement that could really swing the election? Bad Bunny. (msn.com)
Trump can never get the Latino vote! He hates them and they hate him! :twisted:  
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Yesterday 12:51 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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Beakman » 8 minutes ago » wrote: Trump can never get the Latino vote! He hates them and they hate him! Image

Portareecans are assholes. They get all indignant if ya call em meskins, and then right after screaming at you, turn around and talk meskin. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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Yesterday 12:53 pm
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6,355 posts
*Vegas » 39 minutes ago » wrote: Only in American society, can pop stars swing an election. More evidence that the average American cannot think for themself, even if they tried. At 7th grade reading levels, one is only limited to understanding simple instructions, ads, and text that does not include a semicolon. 

Never mind using logic and reason to sway votes. Never mind researching a candidate's past experience, voting records, public platforms, and anything remotely related to a candidates governing ability. Let's all look to see what celebrities want to do, then vote in that direction. 


The pop star endorsement that could really swing the election? Bad Bunny. (msn.com)
You call her a pop star, but she seems to go thru men like a whore. :wave:  
Yesterday 1:00 pm
975 posts
Cannonpointer » 11 minutes ago » wrote: Portareecans are assholes. They get all indignant if ya call em meskins, and then right after screaming at you, turn around and talk meskin.
They all are the same in that, they will try to cut you up with their Stilleto Switch Blade knives! I force them to listen to Mexican Polka, they run from it! :lol:  
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Yesterday 2:35 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
24,468 posts
*Vegas » Today, 12:17 pm » wrote: Only in American society, can pop stars swing an election. More evidence that the average American cannot think for themself, even if they tried. At 7th grade reading levels, one is only limited to understanding simple instructions, ads, and text that does not include a semicolon. 

Never mind using logic and reason to sway votes. Never mind researching a candidate's past experience, voting records, public platforms, and anything remotely related to a candidates governing ability. Let's all look to see what celebrities want to do, then vote in that direction. 


The pop star endorsement that could really swing the election? Bad Bunny. (msn.com)
Have you seen this?


idiots like these should have been smothered at birth.
Yesterday 2:37 pm
Giant Slayer
12,409 posts
Blackvegetable » 3 minutes ago » wrote: Have you seen this?

[url]http://So, when the election fraud has been exposed, which is currently in plans as we speak...[/url]

idiots like these should have been smothered at birth.

And there is the stalking. First you deflect and then you stalk. 

100% accuracy. 

QED  :rofl:   :rofl:  
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Yesterday 2:39 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » 1 minute ago » wrote: And there is the stalking. First you deflect and then you stalk. 

100% accuracy. 

QED  Image   Image
But that's "Stand Up & Shout" Stupid.
Yesterday 2:40 pm
Giant Slayer
12,411 posts
Blackvegetable » 5 minutes ago » wrote: But that's "Stand Up & Shout" Stupid.

Only to you. You are level 0, so it doesn't matter. 

What is survivorship bias?
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Yesterday 6:39 pm
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Beakman » Today, 12:43 pm » wrote: Im a fierce independent Anarchist.....

and I WORSHIP ****
yup, yer a fraud
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Today 1:31 am
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usa public goes from dumb to super dumb. drug induced. over 90% of voters will be under the influence of drugs while voting. fentanyl will decide the election.
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Today 1:36 am
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walkingstick » 6 minutes ago » wrote: usa public goes from dumb to super dumb. drug induced. over 90% of voters will be under the influence of drugs while voting. fentanyl will decide the election.
will you accept the election results if harris wins? by getting the most druggy votes? i doubt you will. governments are just words. a cow is a cow. a chair is a chair. governments are just words that can be deleted.  time to delete the usa government?
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