Harris is going to win Americans are not stupid.

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Yesterday 10:18 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
8,332 posts
No doubt. America is not that stupid. 
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Today 12:16 am
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5,441 posts
Bidencrimefamily » Yesterday, 10:18 pm » wrote: No doubt. America is not that stupid.
I saw the title and I thought both statements can't be true at the same time.. but then I saw who posted it, so never mind..


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Today 1:27 am
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4,241 posts
HARRIS WILL MAKE IT LEGAL FOR A JEW TO KILL YOU AND TAKE YOUR HOME. they are doing it over there. they will do it over here. sell your home! get the hell out of usa. amazing, your tax dollars will be used to fund a jew killing you.
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