Hisballuh....Explosive details emerge

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Today 6:31 am
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Yep....they kept their pagers in their front pants pockets. 

The Joo's blew the balls off of Hizballah and now the sand monkeys are terrified of anything electronic.  Joo's master the art of "Terror"..... 

Even the Joo haters are getting a chuckle out of this one
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Today 7:08 am
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nefarious101 » 41 minutes ago » wrote: Yep....they kept their pagers in their front pants pockets. 

The Joo's blew the balls off of Hizballah and now the sand monkeys are terrified of anything electronic.  Joo's master the art of "Terror"..... 

Even the Joo haters are getting a chuckle out of this one
It is a good trick, I saw the headlines but I didn't bother with the details, what I don't get is why pagers, who uses those these days anymore, can't Hezbollah afford phones? They fit in your pocket too..

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Today 7:26 am
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Jantje_Smit » 20 minutes ago » wrote: It is a good trick, I saw the headlines but I didn't bother with the details, what I don't get is why pagers, who uses those these days anymore, can't Hezbollah afford phones? They fit in your pocket too..


pages and walkies use radio waves....cell phones can be tracked easily....but at this point it appears the Joos have "castrated" sand monkey communications.....and a couple thousand of their soldiers too!
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Today 8:57 am
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Jantje_Smit » Today, 7:08 am » wrote: It is a good trick, I saw the headlines but I didn't bother with the details, what I don't get is why pagers, who uses those these days anymore, can't Hezbollah afford phones? They fit in your pocket too..

they can operate off of a "for your eyes only" secure network...
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