kamala biggest sex trafficing ring in the world

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Yesterday 8:16 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 8:16 pm
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754 posts
When you think about it Kamala is running the largest child sex trafficking ring in the world. She lets them into the US, then moves them to a supposedly "safe house". Then over 300,000 migrant children are now missing ... It is believed most are working as sex slaves today...
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Yesterday 8:25 pm
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25,696 posts
NEILCAR » 11 minutes ago » wrote: When you think about it Kamala is running the largest child sex trafficking ring in the world. She lets them into the US, then moves them to a supposedly "safe house". Then over 300,000 migrant children are now missing ... It is believed most are working as sex slaves today...
The millions of wetback men love kid ******.
Just like Biden.

It motivates them to serve the Oligarchs/Owners/Capitalists
as cheap labor.  They need that fuel.

Everybody wins!!
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