Can anyone explain why libRULZ are SO F’ING RETARDED?

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Today 1:13 am
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So one of the subjects that gets brought up…all the time, in fact, is the “Uniparty.”

If you say something about how “D and R” are both ****, usually some RETARDED LIBERAL will interject:

It’s the Democrats who are introducing bills to [cap stock buybacks, implement a living wage, strengthen unions, regulate Wall Street, insert your favorite issue here]. Stop pretending it’s the Democrats when it’s the Republicans who are blocking the bills. It’s not BOTH sides.


That’s their GAME you **** IDIOTS.

They introduce bills that their base wants (UHC, higher MW, regulations on big biz) when REthugs have a large minority or even majority so those bills will never pass. Then those DemoCRAPS can point the finger and say “It’s those bad, meanie Repubs!”

**** morons…
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31st Arrival
Today 3:52 am
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LowIQTrash » Today, 1:13 am » wrote: So one of the subjects that gets brought up…all the time, in fact, is the “Uniparty.”

If you say something about how “D and R” are both ****, usually some RETARDED LIBERAL will interject:

It’s the Democrats who are introducing bills to [cap stock buybacks, implement a living wage, strengthen unions, regulate Wall Street, insert your favorite issue here]. Stop pretending it’s the Democrats when it’s the Republicans who are blocking the bills. It’s not BOTH sides.


That’s their GAME you **** IDIOTS.

They introduce bills that their base wants (UHC, higher MW, regulations on big biz) when REthugs have a large minority or even majority so those bills will never pass. Then those DemoCRAPS can point the finger and say

“It’s those bad, meanie Repubs! That’s why you guys need to go out and vote! Your vote is the most important thing this election!”  :cw:  


**** morons…
yes I can and just did in my new thread. you're welcome.
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