My state will go Trump, if you live in a purple state.....

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Today 4:15 pm
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.....go to your precinct, make your presence known, and let the thieves know you are watching. Organize with friends to keep a constant presence at your polling place, video any suspicious activity and call law enforcement immediately when you find it.

Another 4 years of what we just had will be the end of America as we have known and enjoyed.
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Today 4:27 pm
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RebelGator » 13 minutes ago » wrote: .....go to your precinct, make your presence known, and let the thieves know you are watching. Organize with friends to keep a constant presence at your polling place, video any suspicious activity and call law enforcement immediately when you find it.

Another 4 years of what we just had will be the end of America as we have known and enjoyed.

I'm in a purple, but our county and village bleeds RED!
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Today 5:57 pm
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After 40 years of being confined to ghetto dwelling why would black people even want to vote for anything other than the same old Democrat party promising the same old unkept promises....GOP has always been good at that too
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Today 6:04 pm
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RebelGator » Today, 4:15 pm » wrote: .....go to your precinct, make your presence known, and let the thieves know you are watching. Organize with friends to keep a constant presence at your polling place, video any suspicious activity and call law enforcement immediately when you find it.

Another 4 years of what we just had will be the end of America as we have known and enjoyed.
Great way to get thrown in jail
 This train is leaving without you racist tRUMPers
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Today 6:19 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 17 minutes ago » wrote: Great way to get thrown in jail
 This train is leaving without you racist tRUMPers
What's the charge, or do you assholes just make one up?
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Today 6:30 pm
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RebelGator » Today, 4:15 pm » wrote: .....go to your precinct, make your presence known, and let the thieves know you are watching. Organize with friends to keep a constant presence at your polling place, video any suspicious activity and call law enforcement immediately when you find it.

Another 4 years of what we just had will be the end of America as we have known and enjoyed.
Go sign up

You get paid to take the training, and for working
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Today 7:33 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 6:04 pm » wrote: Great way to get thrown in jail
 This train is leaving without you racist tRUMPers

MuriQUEER is a wreck!

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Today 7:34 pm
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Mrkelly » Today, 6:30 pm » wrote: Go sign up

You get paid to take the training, and for working
Ewww, that sounds terrible.

Helping the Oligarchy promote meaningless elections :lol:  
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Today 8:43 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 6:04 pm » wrote: Great way to get thrown in jail
 This train is leaving without you racist tRUMPers
Racism is realism,  Sambo.
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