Should we subsidies Florida cutting taxes by blue states bailing out red states after hurricanes?

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Today 5:47 pm
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Id pass a bill that the federal government will only provide 25% of fema aid to states that cut taxes. 
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Today 5:58 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 10 minutes ago » wrote: Id pass a bill that the federal government will only provide 25% of fema aid to states that cut taxes.
I propose abandoning Federal Flood and Hurricane insurance and any form of aide. They don’t want to pay their fare share let them rot.
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Today 6:03 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 5 minutes ago » wrote: I propose abandoning Federal Flood and Hurricane insurance and any form of aide. They don’t want to pay their fare share let them rot.
Nothing is free. Blue states pay higher federal taxes than red states. 
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Today 6:16 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 15 minutes ago » wrote: Nothing is free. Blue states pay higher federal taxes than red states.
and we always making up the difference. 
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Today 6:23 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 20 minutes ago » wrote: Nothing is free. Blue states pay higher federal taxes than red states.
Explain your claim.  What Federal Taxes are blue states paying, that red states do not? 
Or do you mean that the Federal Tax rates change based on where you live?
Today 6:54 pm
4,844 posts
Bidencrimefamily » Today, 5:47 pm » wrote: Id pass a bill that the federal government will only provide 25% of fema aid to states that cut taxes.
What federal taxes do blue states pay that red states don't?
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Today 7:48 pm
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Which states received the most money from the federal government?
Federal funding comes through several overlapping programs targeting state and local governments. The proportion of state revenues attributable to federal aid is determined by combining the funding received by both state and local institutions.

The states that received the most federal aid were:

California ($162.9 billion)
New York ($110.2 billion)
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