Leticia GOING OOWN!! NY Appeals court ain't buying her JUNK CASE!!

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Yesterday 5:45 am
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I can hear the WHINING and KNASHING OF TEETH once this case is TOSSED since the NY State Appellate court ain't buying the Leticia James "argument" that it doesn't matter if no one was harmed!! Suck on it DICKSUCKERS!!


(via The Hill): 

 A New York appeals panel on Thursday appeared wary of the state’s civil fraud case against former President Trump that ended in a $464 million judgment against him and his business. 

 During arguments lasting more than an hour, the five-judge panel on the Appellate Division — New York’s midlevel appeals court — questioned whether any constraints apply to the law New York Attorney General Letitia James used against Trump. 

 […] Trump attorney D. John Sauer, who represented the former president before the Supreme Court in his presidential immunity challenge, argued before the panel that the state’s case was brought too late and that decades-old financial statements should not be the basis for such a “crippling” financial penalty. 

 Sauer also reiterated arguments made at trial that banks wanted to work with the Trump Organization, did their own due diligence and found no fraud.    

 “They did do their own due diligence,” Sauer said. “The uncontradicted testimony in the summary judgment record is ‘Everything we did was independent; we didn’t rely on the numbers.’” 

 New York’s Deputy Solicitor General Judith Vale argued on the state’s behalf that the law gives the attorney general “broad” discretion, but two justices interrupted her opening remarks to ask whether there are any other examples of the state suing “equally sophisticated partners” in such a manner.   

 “Because I’ve gone through the case that you’ve cited, and all of them always involved consumer protection aspect — it involved protection of the market,” Justice David Friedman said.    

 “You don’t have anything like that here,” he added.   
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Yesterday 6:28 am
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So where are the usual suspects?? @maineman  @Blackvegetable  @JohnEdgarSlowHorses  

They LOVED them some LAWFAIR and now, it's all going AWAY!!

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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Yesterday 7:02 am
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*Beekeeper » 35 minutes ago » wrote: So where are the usual suspects?? @maineman  @Blackvegetable  @JohnEdgarSlowHorses  

They LOVED them some LAWFAIR and now, it's all going AWAY!!

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They LOVED them some LAWFAIR

You're a Vegas class moron.
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Yesterday 7:03 am
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Blackvegetable » 2 minutes ago » wrote: Fondler,

You're a Vegas class moron.
They both dumber than a rock
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Yesterday 7:03 am
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Blackvegetable » 2 minutes ago » wrote: Fondler,

You're a Vegas class moron.

Leticia's case is GOING DOWN, TRUMP vindicated, and you can whine as you suck more dick!!

:die:   :die:   :die:   :die:   :die:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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Yesterday 7:05 am
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*Beekeeper » 6 minutes ago » wrote: Leticia's case is GOING DOWN, TRUMP vindicated, and you can whine as you suck more dick!!

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Do you know who Mazars is, Fondler?
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Yesterday 7:10 am
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Blackvegetable » 9 minutes ago » wrote: Do you know who Mazars is, Fondler?
Do you know what the APPEALS COURT said during the hearing as they FULLY DOUBTED that the "case" was nothing more than a piece of **** designed as a weapon?? And that WITHOUT any "victims" you have NO CASE TO BRING!!

Sucks, huh?? And Mazar's is an accounting firm. One of the larger CPA's in the nation and no one had to Google it to find out, DICKBREATH!!

Please, stick to sucking COCK. At least you seem to be good at that. Leticia is getting her *** KICKED!!
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Yesterday 7:15 am
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Blackvegetable » 14 minutes ago » wrote: Do you know who Mazars is, Fondler?

And THIS will frost your lips wrapped around that COCK YOU ARE NOW SUCKING!!

"In the letter, Mazars noted that the firm had not “as a whole” found material discrepancies between the information the Trump Organization provided and the actual value of Mr. Trump’s assets. "

Their "move" was nothing more than a CYA attempt to stay out of the fray of this SHAM PERSECUTION!! PERIOD!!
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Yesterday 7:17 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 16 minutes ago » wrote: They both dumber than a rock
Here are some highlights that are on topic:

New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

Judge Peter Moulton questioned whether James’ lawsuit turned into “something it was not meant to do.”

Moulton observed that the “immense penalty in this case is troubling.

https://nypost.com/2024/09/27/us-news/n ... troubling/
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Yesterday 7:24 am
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*Beekeeper » 10 minutes ago » wrote: And THIS will frost your lips wrapped around that COCK YOU ARE NOW SUCKING!!

"In the letter, Mazars noted that the firm had not “as a whole” found material discrepancies between the information the Trump Organization provided and the actual value of Mr. Trump’s assets. "

Their "move" was nothing more than a CYA attempt to stay out of the fray of this SHAM PERSECUTION!! PERIOD!!
If they stood by their work, they'd stand by their work.

They aren't..

10 years worth..
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Yesterday 7:48 am
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Blackvegetable » 26 minutes ago » wrote: If they stood by their work, they'd stand by their work.

They aren't..

10 years worth..
Maybe they don't like being a party to The political weaponization of the Judicial system by James and her Merry band of Democrat  political operatives ....

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Yesterday 7:53 am
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Majik » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Maybe they don't like being a party to The political weaponization of the Judicial system by James and her Merry band of Democrat  political operatives ....
It is why they were paid.
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Yesterday 8:00 am
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Blackvegetable » 58 minutes ago » wrote: Fondler,

You're a Vegas class moron.
Tell them about Russia Russia Russia.....that will teach them.

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Yesterday 8:10 am
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Blackvegetable » 46 minutes ago » wrote: If they stood by their work, they'd stand by their work.

They aren't..

10 years worth..

Nope, IDIOT!! They are RUNNING from the ILLEGITIMATE PERSECTIONS by Leticia!! 

Nothing more. You can read whatever you want into it, if they JUST SAID that their work and Trump's valuation were NOT an issue, what else is there to run from?? THEY didn't want to be involved in one of her indictments and have to TRY and get a NY Jury to find them NOT LIABLE!!

You're a REAL **** IDIOT!!
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Yesterday 8:14 am
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Blackvegetable » 23 minutes ago » wrote: It is why they were paid.
They were not paid to participate in the political weaponization ......

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Yesterday 8:27 am
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*Beekeeper » Today, 7:10 am » wrote: Do you know what the APPEALS COURT said during the hearing as they FULLY DOUBTED that the "case" was nothing more than a piece of **** designed as a weapon?? And that WITHOUT any "victims" you have NO CASE TO BRING!!

Sucks, huh?? And Mazar's is an accounting firm. One of the larger CPA's in the nation and no one had to Google it to find out, DICKBREATH!!

Please, stick to sucking COCK. At least you seem to be good at that. Leticia is getting her *** KICKED!!
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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Yesterday 8:28 am
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nefarious101 » 31 minutes ago » wrote: Tell them about Russia Russia Russia.....that will teach them.
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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Yesterday 8:48 am
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*Huey » Today, 7:17 am » wrote: Here are some highlights that are on topic:

New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

Judge Peter Moulton questioned whether James’ lawsuit turned into “something it was not meant to do.”

Moulton observed that the “immense penalty in this case is troubling.

https://nypost.com/2024/09/27/us-news/n ... troubling/
Judge Peter H. Moulton questioned if James' office was engaging in “mission creep,”
"There has to be some limitation on what the attorney general can do," he told Vale.

"How do we draw a line or put up some guardrails to know when the attorney general is operating within her broad sphere ... or going into an area where she doesn't have jurisdiction?" askedAssociate Justice John Higgitt.
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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Yesterday 9:04 am
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Majik » 52 minutes ago » wrote: They were not paid to participate in the political weaponization ......
They were paid to confirm that the reporting was consistent with GAAP.

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Yesterday 9:06 am
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*Beekeeper » 56 minutes ago » wrote: Nope, IDIOT!! They are RUNNING from the ILLEGITIMATE PERSECTIONS by Leticia!! 

Nothing more. You can read whatever you want into it, if they JUST SAID that their work and Trump's valuation were NOT an issue, what else is there to run from?? THEY didn't want to be involved in one of her indictments and have to TRY and get a NY Jury to find them NOT LIABLE!!

You're a REAL **** IDIOT!!
Because you say so.

But you don't know a **** thing.
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