New data is in from ICE. Tens of thousands of illegal murderers and rapists now walk American streets.

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Yesterday 7:54 pm
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4,126 posts
It's hilarious that ICE put that out today, when she's headed to the border.
That should tell you what the people who are fighting the fight against illegals think of Kamala.
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Yesterday 8:14 pm
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3,162 posts
Trump was right again. He is always right. The Dems never say they were wrong.
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Yesterday 8:31 pm
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26,013 posts
golfboy » 38 minutes ago » wrote: It's hilarious that ICE put that out today, when she's headed to the border.
That should tell you what the people who are fighting the fight against illegals think of Kamala.
US MSM is much more powerful than ICE
Yesterday 9:24 pm
660 posts
golfboy » Today, 7:54 pm » wrote: It's hilarious that ICE put that out today, when she's headed to the border.
That should tell you what the people who are fighting the fight against illegals think of Kamala.

Nothing to her but a photo-op. 
Teach a Yankee to drive. Point his car north.
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