Madison WI... 2,200 duplicate absentee ballots in the heavily Democratic city has led a Republican to suggest FRAUD !!

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Yesterday 11:59 pm
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The mailing of about 2,200 duplicate absentee ballots in Wisconsin’s heavily Democratic capital city of Madison has led a Republican member of Congress to suggest that the clerk was lying about the presence of barcodes on the ballots themselves... NO BARCODES were present, MAKING the ballots FRAUDULENT !! 
Madison city spokesperson Dylan Brogan said Thursday that he altered the wording of the statement for clarity before Tiffany questioned it by “parsing apart sentences.”  “The City routinely updates its website to provide as much clarity as possible,” Brogan said.  He called the mailing of duplicate absentee ballots “a simple mistake that we immediately rectified and it will have no impact on the election.”  “There are safeguards in place,” Brogan said. “The system worked.”

EXCEPT... WHAT would have happened if the erroneous ballots WERE NOT caught?  Would the "MISTAKE" been duplicated a DOZEN times?  or MORE?  Calling it a mistake can be a PLOY to explain the abuse... BUT, what if this and other "mistakes" are more the RULE, than the "EXCEPTION" in Madison and DOZENS of other cities across America?  YOU would think Democrats in office would be EXTREMELY careful so to ASSURE the integrity of the vote... BUT, instead, we have "Mistakes"... HOW MANY OTHER "mistakes" have occurred ? ... 5d53f89beb
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Today 6:06 am
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ConservativeWave » Yesterday, 11:59 pm » wrote: The mailing of about 2,200 duplicate absentee ballots in Wisconsin’s heavily Democratic capital city of Madison has led a Republican member of Congress to suggest that the clerk was lying about the presence of barcodes on the ballots themselves... NO BARCODES were present, MAKING the ballots FRAUDULENT !! 
Madison city spokesperson Dylan Brogan said Thursday that he altered the wording of the statement for clarity before Tiffany questioned it by “parsing apart sentences.”  “The City routinely updates its website to provide as much clarity as possible,” Brogan said.  He called the mailing of duplicate absentee ballots “a simple mistake that we immediately rectified and it will have no impact on the election.”  “There are safeguards in place,” Brogan said. “The system worked.”

EXCEPT... WHAT would have happened if the erroneous ballots WERE NOT caught?  Would the "MISTAKE" been duplicated a DOZEN times?  or MORE?  Calling it a mistake can be a PLOY to explain the abuse... BUT, what if this and other "mistakes" are more the RULE, than the "EXCEPTION" in Madison and DOZENS of other cities across America?  YOU would think Democrats in office would be EXTREMELY careful so to ASSURE the integrity of the vote... BUT, instead, we have "Mistakes"... HOW MANY OTHER "mistakes" have occurred ? ... 5d53f89beb
You're a **** idiot.

The ENVELOPES are bar coded.

The ballot is SECRET.

You're old, easily confused, born stupid and regressing daily.

Become food.
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Deezer Shoove
Today 6:40 am
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Blackvegetable » 35 minutes ago » wrote: You're a **** idiot.

The ENVELOPES are bar coded.

The ballot is SECRET.

You're old, easily confused, born stupid and regressing daily.

Become food.

They admitted something was wrong. You're old, easily confused, born stupid and regressing daily.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Today 7:59 am
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DeezerShoove » Today, 6:40 am » wrote: They admitted something was wrong. You're old, easily confused, born stupid and regressing daily.

Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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Today 8:09 am
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Once you send in your ballot

You are marked off of the roll

No matter how many ballots you send in

Only one will count

Hasn’t anyone on here ever worked the polls?

If not

Jump in and get paid to take the training, and for working

You might learn something
Today 8:30 am
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Mrkelly » 23 minutes ago » wrote: Once you send in your ballot

You are marked off of the roll

No matter how many ballots you send in

Only one will count

Hasn’t anyone on here ever worked the polls?

If not

Jump in and get paid to take the training, and for working

You might learn something
It seems so easy huh?

That's why people has been caught voting more then once..
Dead people voting...
And recently illegals voting
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Today 9:13 am
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BooRadley » 43 minutes ago » wrote: It seems so easy huh

All you have to do is ask maineman :wub:   if I can suck his dick

and I will stop begging you 
:LOL:  No Z09

:LOL:  you dumb ****  :LOL:  

hey ****

did ya ever notice that I only reply to you after YOU start it

I never reply to you first  :LOL:  

and you haven’t gotten the message 

you are too stupid to pull off a SOK

because you are a dumb ****  :LOL:  

and for the last time … NO , I am not going to ask anyone if you can suck their dick  :LOL:  
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Today 9:38 am
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Blackvegetable » Today, 6:06 am » wrote: You're a **** idiot.

The ENVELOPES are bar coded.

The ballot is SECRET.

You're old, easily confused, born stupid and regressing daily.

Become food.
IF YOU COULD READ... YOU would see that the issue here was the envelopes WERE NOT barcoded... there were NO BARCODES ANYWHERE... and THAT is what made the mailing FRAUDULENT !!  ...AND Replicated a dozen, a thousand, or 10 THOUSAND times... would be VOTER FRAUD... NOT a simple mistake !!

YOU **** IDIOT !

OR, are YOU OLD and easily confused ?  I AM NOT !!

I think YOU are just STUPID, or an ENEMY of America... OR BOTH !! 
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Today 9:43 am
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Mrkelly » Today, 8:09 am » wrote: Once you send in your ballot

You are marked off of the roll

No matter how many ballots you send in

Only one will count

Hasn’t anyone on here ever worked the polls?

If not

Jump in and get paid to take the training, and for working

You might learn something
EXCEPT, in the LAST election it was determined that the "rolls" were FILLED with OUT DATED, WRONG, and/or FRAUDULENT voter entries... SO EINSTEIN... HOW are you "You are marked off of the rolls" ...when Democrat States seem to LOVE... OUT DATED, WRONG, and/or FRAUDULENT voter rolls ??
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Today 9:50 am
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Why would there ever be a duplicate ballot? Who doesn't think the Dems are going to cheat?
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Today 10:33 am
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ConservativeWave » 51 minutes ago » wrote: EXCEPT, in the LAST election it was determined that the "rolls" were FILLED with OUT DATED, WRONG, and/or FRAUDULENT voter entries... SO EINSTEIN... HOW are you "You are marked off of the rolls" ...when Democrat States seem to LOVE... OUT DATED, WRONG, and/or FRAUDULENT voter rolls ??
:LOL:  “filled”  :LOL:  

If there was proof of this

dont you think that some tRumper in the republican controlled house would be showing it ?

Oh that’s right

the dems won’t let them  :LOL:  
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Today 10:38 am
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Mrkelly » Today, 8:09 am » wrote: Once you send in your ballot

You are marked off of the roll

No matter how many ballots you send in

Only one will count

Hasn’t anyone on here ever worked the polls?

If not

Jump in and get paid to take the training, and for working

You might learn something
What if you send in someone else's ballot?

You've been canceled. 
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Today 10:40 am
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RebelGator » 2 minutes ago » wrote: What if you send in someone else's ballot?

You've been canceled.
:LOL:  That doesn’t even make a lick of sense 
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Today 10:43 am
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Mrkelly » 5 minutes ago » wrote: Image  That doesn’t even make a lick of sense
That's mostly because you're stupid.....Democrat operatives went around to nursing homes and retirement complexes collecting ballots...  did you think they were garbage men or something?
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Today 10:50 am
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RebelGator » 7 minutes ago » wrote: That's mostly because you're stupid.....Democrat operatives went around to nursing homes and retirement complexes collecting ballots...  did you think they were garbage men or something?
Helping old people cast their vote means what in your tiny little brain? 
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