OPEN Borders allowed 13,000 CONVICTED MURDERERS to enter America.. Kamala wants to give them AMNESTY.. TRUMP DOES NOT !!

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Yesterday 10:05 am
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A REPORT came out yesterday, acknowledging that the "OPEN Borders" policy of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris... has allowed 13,000 CONVICTED MURDERERS to enter America... WHO KNOWS how many other VIOLENT & CONVICTED Criminals are in America, from WHO KNOWS where, for WHO KNOWS what? ... rcna173125 ... r-AA1rlbsi ... ata-shows/

Donald Trump has repeatedly told America, that Nations ALL OVER the WORLD have emptied their JAILS, and sent them to America... AND NOW, Kamala Harris wants to grant them ALL MASS AMNESTY !! ... r-BB1qUrru

Donald Trump wants to DEPORT THEM !!  ...I'm VOTING for Donald TRUMP !!

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Today 8:31 am
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BuckNaked » Yesterday, 3:13 pm » wrote: They are incompetent
I believe they are MUCH WORSE than just "incompetent"... THEY (Joe Biden and Kamala) OPENED the borders after Donald trump had the borders CLOSED... THEY didn't do it due to any sense of "compassion"... THEY DID it to get MORE and MORE illegals into America... so that THEY could illegally vote in election JUST like this one (2024)... THEY did it for POWER, and to MAINTAIN power, and to MILK the American system OUT of as much money as they can... AND SCREW the American taxpayer in the process.

THEY certainly didn't do it because they think the MILLIONS of ILLEGALS... who have NOW been shown to be largely CONVICTED Murderers, Criminals, and Thieves...

Donald Trump has been saying for over a YEAR that THAT was the case... Democrats called Trump a LIAR...

BUT, NOW, the DATA has shown us who the REAL LIARS ARE !!  ...The Democrats and the Democrat Party !!!
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Today 8:37 am
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Keep progressives away from children and out of public schools.

Progressivism is a death cult....infanticide....disease....child sexual predators....human traffickers....America's Last agenda...lies and hoaxes....rigged elections
Buck Naked
Today 9:03 am
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ConservativeWave » 33 minutes ago » wrote: I believe they are MUCH WORSE than just "incompetent"... THEY (Joe Biden and Kamala) OPENED the borders after Donald Trump had the borders CLOSED... THEY didn't do it due out of ANY sense of "compassion"... THEY DID it to get MORE and MORE illegals into America... so that THEY could illegally vote in elections JUST like this one (i.e. 2024)... THEY did it for POWER, and to MAINTAIN their power, and to MILK the American system OUT of as much money as they can... AND SCREW the American taxpayer in the process.

THEY certainly didn't do it because they think the MILLIONS of ILLEGALS... who have NOW been shown to be largely CONVICTED Murderers, Criminals, and Thieves... were DESERVING of a 2nd chance in America... MOST of these people came STRAIGHT out of the Prisons of Central & South America, where CRIME has fallen... BUT, they were sent to America where CRIME is SPIKING, and Democrats have done everything they can to be a PRO Crime Party !!!

Donald Trump has been saying for over a YEAR that THAT was the case... Democrats called Trump a LIAR...

BUT, NOW, the DATA has shown us who the REAL LIARS ARE !!  ...The Democrats and the Democrat Party !!!
Its criminal 
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Today 11:18 am
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I hope terrorists and gangs kill the **** out of people in Dem run ****. They deserve it for voting Dem.
Buck Naked
Today 11:29 am
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
11,065 posts
ConservativeWave » 39 minutes ago » wrote: Democrats and the Democrat Party are the REAL LIARS !!!

they’re doing more than lying they’re supposed to protect Americans instead they are putting us all at risk of harm cmon man 
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