R: This is a genuine question for the progressives here. Honest answers only.

By *Vegas
Today 2:16 pm in Peanut Gallery
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Today 2:16 pm
Giant Slayer
12,731 posts
Well, BV and RetardedHorse do'nt answer questions, due to their incessant cowardice, but I can always hope. 

I put the PG on because I want serious answers to a serious question. I know you guys will evade and lie. Thus, I will send you evasions and lies to the PG. Give me an honest answer, and I will keep your comment here. 

Before I ask, first consider these disheartening facts:
  • The dims had to rig 2020
  • They have already rigged 2024. Voting is pointless. 
  • They allow 10+ millions of illegals in for more votes
  • They attempted to assassinate Trump twice
  • They impeached him twice, but was acquitted twice
  • They gave both Hillary and Harris the debate questions.
  • The mods were on Hillary and Harris's side in the debates
  • The media lies incessantly about Trump.
  • ehhhh....I can go on, but this is good enough.
Question: What specific pride and type of dignity do you feel while being a member of a party that must cheat to win? Even if innocent lives are murdered, such as the examples of some illegals raping and murdering some of our civilians. 
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