JohnEdgarSlowHorses has an idea...#8 Death penalty on the spot if you're caught with ammo or a gun

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Today 7:46 am
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Damn Assault Rifle 15 did it again. Look, a simple Assault Rifle 15 ban is not going to solve this problem.

1. Outlaw ammunition
2. No more manufacture of guns
3. No more manufacture of gun parts
4. Reeducation Camps for GUN NUTTERS
5. Gun buy backs
6. House to house confiscation
7. Snitch Programs (rewards to turn your friends in and get tax breaks or US Savings Bonds)
8. Death Penalty enforced on the spot if you are in possession of a gun or ammunition
9. Any of the above is a start
10. All of the above
Today 7:48 am
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What could go wrong...?

A officer pulls over an 18 yer old kid for not coming to a complete stop.

He just bought this used car and there's some ammo under the front seat from the previous owner.

Death penalty on the spot!!
# 8..

Imagine that..
And that's a Harris supporter
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Today 7:49 am
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BooRadley » 2 minutes ago » wrote: JohnEdgarSlowHorses
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Damn Assault Rifle 15 did it again. Look, a simple Assault Rifle 15 ban is not going to solve this problem.

1. Outlaw ammunition
2. No more manufacture of guns
3. No more manufacture of gun parts
4. Reeducation Camps for GUN NUTTERS
5. Gun buy backs
6. House to house confiscation
7. Snitch Programs (rewards to turn your friends in and get tax breaks or US Savings Bonds)
8. Death Penalty enforced on the spot if you are in possession of a gun or ammunition
9. Any of the above is a start
10. All of the above
I that peckerhead had an idea, it died from loneliness long ago.
Today 7:52 am
5,021 posts
Think of it...
Some white cop stops an innocent black kid for a minor infraction and he has some ammo sitting in his console.

Black kid is executed on the spot.

Way to go JohnEdgar....!!!
Nice way to run a country...

And you're voting for Harris right?
Today 7:55 am
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We will simply cut off your water and electricity and you will be crawling out your front door begging for me to take them away.
Today 9:32 am
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BooRadley » Today, 7:46 am » wrote: JohnEdgarSlowHorses
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Damn Assault Rifle 15 did it again. Look, a simple Assault Rifle 15 ban is not going to solve this problem.

1. Outlaw ammunition
2. No more manufacture of guns
3. No more manufacture of gun parts
4. Reeducation Camps for GUN NUTTERS
5. Gun buy backs
6. House to house confiscation
7. Snitch Programs (rewards to turn your friends in and get tax breaks or US Savings Bonds)
8. Death Penalty enforced on the spot if you are in possession of a gun or ammunition
9. Any of the above is a start
10. All of the above

I already kicked his *** on the gun issue. Instead of admitting that he was wrong, he preferred to advocate violence against a woman because he made up a story that she put herself in that position. This is how warped the and evil he is. 
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Today 11:41 am
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Johnedgardumbhorsesass needs to move to Mexico. If you are caught with a gun, ammo, even a spent hull there, you will be jailed indefinitely.
Today 11:43 am
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Imagine ...

A death penatly if you're caught with ammo...

Death penalty on the spot...
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Today 11:44 am
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BooRadley » 5 minutes ago » wrote: Imagine ...

A death penatly if you're caught with ammo...

Death penalty on the spot...
I love it.
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Today 11:44 am
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Buffalo » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Johnedgardumbhorsesass needs to move to Mexico. If you are caught with a gun, ammo, even a spent hull there, you will be jailed indefinitely.
I prefer the death penalty

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Today 11:45 am
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*Vegas » Today, 9:32 am » wrote: I already kicked his *** on the gun issue. Instead of admitting that he was wrong, he preferred to advocate violence against a woman because he made up a story that she put herself in that position. This is how warped the and evil he is.
you did?

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Today 11:45 am
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BooRadley » Today, 7:46 am » wrote: JohnEdgarSlowHorses
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Damn Assault Rifle 15 did it again. Look, a simple Assault Rifle 15 ban is not going to solve this problem.

1. Outlaw ammunition
2. No more manufacture of guns
3. No more manufacture of gun parts
4. Reeducation Camps for GUN NUTTERS
5. Gun buy backs
6. House to house confiscation
7. Snitch Programs (rewards to turn your friends in and get tax breaks or US Savings Bonds)
8. Death Penalty enforced on the spot if you are in possession of a gun or ammunition
9. Any of the above is a start
10. All of the above
when we meet, you are going to use that shovel to dig a 6 foot deep hole  :)  
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Today 11:47 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 3 minutes ago » wrote: I prefer the death penalty
That ain't gonna happen here!!!
Today 11:49 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Boo, 
when we meet, you are going to use that shovel to dig a 6 foot deep hole  Image

No wonder this guy and MM suck each other off. We have another little death-threat *** here.
Teach a Yankee to drive. Point his car north.
Today 11:52 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 8 minutes ago » wrote: I prefer the death penalty
You want people executed if they have a gun or any ammo...

How about gun collectors?

Will they be executed on the spot as well?
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Today 11:57 am
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SouthernFried » 9 minutes ago » wrote: No wonder this guy and MM suck each other off. We have another little death-threat *** here.
stop it already. 

Boo and I are going to plant a full sized tree to cast shade on my dead parents grave stones.
@BooRadley  owes me that for the disrespect she has caused to my dead dads and my mom
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Today 12:00 pm
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BooRadley » 10 minutes ago » wrote: You want people executed if they have a gun or any ammo...

How about gun collectors?

Will they be executed on the spot as well?
one can only hope
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