dow way behind inflation

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Today 8:18 am
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dow will catch up  with inflation. could see a run into the 60 thousands or more. for years biden and harris has been holding the dow down. as technology has advanced by historic  leaps. biggest problem is harris investing in wars, rather than making usa great. as for inflation. biggest cause of inflation is biden/harris  sanctions and wars stopping grain trading.  basis of food cost is grain cost. lack of grain increases the prices of animal meat, eggs, bread and most of human food needs. this is causing starvation around the world.   sanctions to kill is harris new war weapon. mixed with tons of bombs,  harris plan for world control. as the usa economy declines, and more people slide into an inflation depression. yes. a cloudy future is holding the market back.  way behind what inflation is doing to the prices of food, gas and shelters. the question remains, fund harris wars? or allow trump to use your tax dollars to invest in your future. investing in your future will bring down your cost of living. investing in harris announced plan of continuing, using you tax dollar for sanctions and wars, will cause more inflation. only those who listen the media, would vote for harris. yes! harris and media are puppets for the war cartel.
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