DeezerShoove » 07 Jan 2025, 7:12 pm » wrote: ↑
I had a boss long ago that reveled in his arrogance.
Basically a nice guy and I got along with him damn good.
He once said to me, "I don't give a **** about other people when we're right."
Referring to our particular department...
"My job is to support my guys. Just point me and shoot."
A defender and an advocate for boss.
We were first tasked with being right. Clowns weren't tolerated very well.
He always double checked that, then get the **** out of his way.
Good reliable boss. We got **** done.
Every crew I ever ran was straight high-steppers. I was real clear in what I expected, and I was the embodiment of everything I preached. I had one goal with my people, and that was to put my eyes in their heads, so that they never had to ask me anything. They saw what I saw, and they knew what to do.
No one got in unless they fit - my motto was better short handed than wrong handed. At the end of the day, individuals don't produce. Teams do. I'd rather have ten 7s that gel than ten 10s that don't. An individual is as productive as the team he is on. So the team is everything. And if you were on my team, I had your back all the way down the line. You were bullet proof.
I took over a pizza joint once and instituted an "eagle" chart. Drivers got an 85 cent raise and twice the commission for mastering it. They had 90 days to go from buzzards to eagles, or sayonara. Within the 90 days, my entire team (that survived) was cross-trained to the max. Everyone could do everything at any time, and everyone would do it precisely to standard, precisely as I would do it myself. That store ran like a top and cranked dollars like a money machine. I ALWAYS worked short staffed because my people were ALL aces. As a result, we could do more with less people and everyone made top money.
Early in, there was a guy they called special ed, because his name was ed and he was not the sharpest. The day after he made eagle, I heard one of my eagles talking to another referring to him as special ed. I said, "Hey, I don't ever want to hear that again. His name is ed." One of them looked at me confused, and said, "We've always called him special ed." I responded, "He's an eagle now. No one insults an eagle in my store. Not even another eagle." I saw them take it in - saw them understand the full import of me protecting ed. They understood that I had THEIR backs, too. In an industry with high turn over, my crew was more stable than half the banks or dental offices in that town.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science
You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.
Who cuts off your dick is not your friend
An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.
Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.
When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.
Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.
If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?