Go **** yourself you babbling nonsense spewing **** puking asshole.31stArrival » Today, 7:22 am » wrote: ↑ 1. Academia
2. Arts and Entertainment
3. Economics
4. Political Mights
5. Religious Rights
6. Rule of Law
7. Judge people by their character, not their ancestral position existed so far.
These are my first 7. anyone care to add anymore? 7 names for days a week midnight to noon arrive in sequence of end of the day before noon to midnight dawn to dusk each rotation 52 weeks a year forward one day at a time each great great grandchild is born to evolving into maybe eventually become 1 of 2 parents, 1 of 4 grandparents, 1 of 8 great grandparents, 1 of 16 great great great grandparents to population added in 4 generation gaps not conceived yet.
Where humanity went wrong is self evident every day.
Corruption never sleeps and genetics never reproduces same ancestor twice. Humanity is manifested Eternal Hell in this atmosphere alone worked by one species upon itself daily.
Obviously what I said isn't nonsense for reactions like yours staying on one message regardless what I say. Your AI mind full of vernacular tribalism is programmed to denounce anything that doesn't fit in your narrative one track two sided that defines 8.2 billion people inaccurately 24/7 mentality.murdock » 17 Jan 2025, 11:50 am » wrote: ↑ Go **** yourself you babbling nonsense spewing **** puking asshole.
***.31stArrival » Today, 2:02 pm » wrote: ↑ Obviously what I said isn't nonsense for reactions like yours staying on one message regardless what I say. Your AI mind full of vernacular tribalism is programmed to denounce anything that doesn't fit in your narrative one track two sided that defines 8.2 billion people inaccurately 24/7 mentality.
You just won't stop confirming what I say. thank you.
Your programmed mind set in prepuberty is still active as a middle aged adolescent. Didn't you admit once you are around 54 years old?
Yes I nail(lian spelled backwards) hyperbole everywhere, including the bit coin bullcrap.
31stArrival » 6 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Your programmed mind set in prepuberty is still active as a middle aged adolescent. Didn't you admit once you are around 54 years old?
I have already accomplished what I needed to complete. Intellectual Armageddon is expanding as fast as every reality implodes and I haven't harmed an ancestor in the process last 18 years, or any decades prior.murdock » 17 Jan 2025, 6:16 pm » wrote: ↑ Con needs to stop the total thing that's what you need do.
31stArrival » 8 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Yes I nail(lian spelled backwards) hyperbole everywhere, including the bit coin bullcrap.
I am not sorry your vernacular tribalism is limited to hyperbole because you rather die living in a character that doesn't know anything specific, than exist with a brain that has no say in tomorrow's events noon to midnight.murdock » 17 Jan 2025, 6:19 pm » wrote: ↑ The stupid you have had no rigid morter, but your Schwartz is mother sized and conjunctive at Lagrange point 3.
31stArrival » 34 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I am not sorry your vernacular tribalism is limited to hyperbole because you rather die living in a character that doesn't know anything specific, than exist with a brain that has no say in tomorrow's events noon to midnight.
The contractor organizer module is preparing your mom's butt ****** for a *** stampede.31stArrival » 41 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I have already accomplished what I needed to complete. Intellectual Armageddon is expanding as fast as every reality implodes and I haven't harmed an ancestor in the process last 18 years, or any decades prior.
Do onto others as you would have other do onto you. I understand what every brain is up against living in social orders demanding everyone mind ideas now isn't eternity where genetic outcomes have always been eternally separated conceived to decomposed so far.
you lost that bet and proved how mature your nurtured since birth adolescent mind still is. Your brain evolved from the nucleus of your fertilized cell natures way of giving you the ability to navigate space alone cradle to grave, which you never attempted to do since birth.murdock » 17 Jan 2025, 6:55 pm » wrote: ↑ Your mother's *** is on all *** menus world wide. I bet you **** her too! Yes.....
Your synthetic mind was only programmed to respond with predetermined putdowns of anyone that didn't comply to your wishful tomorrows that only intellectually exist midnight to noon each rotation dawn to dawn cycle. Geographically speaking dawn is the leading edge of the planet revolving around the star the rotating planet each day in the life of adapting eternally separated since conceived.murdock » 17 Jan 2025, 6:57 pm » wrote: ↑ The contractor organizer module is preparing your mom's butt ****** for a *** stampede.