Here is another prediction I have for the conjobz

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By LowIQTrash
20 Jan 2025 10:38 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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20 Jan 2025 10:38 pm
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Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall. 
Buck Naked
21 Jan 2025 5:48 am
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Jerry Brown?
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31st Arrival
21 Jan 2025 6:20 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall. 
What was it in 2008 that was different in 2020? Clinton's policies in regulating banks to give loans to people that wouldn't ever pay them back reached fruition 10 years after implemented by 1998 in 2008 and covid-19 did the same results closing down the global supply chain last year of Trump's first term. A decade after the housing market designed crash. then during the recovery Biden got credit for artificial job growth when all it was is recovery of lost jobs due to policy wonking the year of the election.

Follow the patterns of economic policy implemented and decade latter the results reach fruition. Every half cycle of generation gaps changing population daily. Almost follows a calendar it is so organized to appear spontaneously as adapting in the moment.
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31st Arrival
21 Jan 2025 6:36 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall. 
Life doesn't evolve beyond time left personally adapting in plain sight daily. Your predictions are made by your mind obeying concepts planned out by linear time expectations of tomorrow intellectually defined the hours between international dateline and noon on the surface of this rotating planet. yesterday becomes noon to midnight each rotation after morrow exists midnight to noon already here and given Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 52 times a year.

Every contextual second, minute, hour, day, week, month, solstice, equinox, solstice, equinox 8 seasons shifts of 4 seasons a year on each side of the horizontal plain of polarities of daylight and night between dawn and dusk days are literally midnight to noon and noon to midnight every ancestral lineage every generation gap lived so far educated to believe life can exceed adapting as displaced daily here since conceived.

there is no conspiracies theories greater than the conspiring done historically so far.
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21 Jan 2025 7:18 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.

You PROBABLY should shut that YAPPER of yours for a VERY long time and sit back and watch how a REAL LEADER actually leads.

Face it, ASSWIPER, you and your ILK don't even have ANYONE leading your band of haters in the desert, much less have any power to do anything OTHER than whine like a bunch of 2-year-olds who lost their suckers!!

Please, at LEAST try to be COHERENT in your rantings vs this kind of **** without any valid facts to support it!!

Run along now, and **** ALL OF YOU AND YOUR LWNJ KIND!!

Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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21 Jan 2025 8:16 am
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LowIQTrash » Yesterday, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.

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21 Jan 2025 8:39 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.
Wishful thinking on the part of you and every one of your loser Democrat cohorts who hitched your wagon to a corrupt and demented moron and his giggling whore and drove this country into the ground in the last 4 years!

Don't think for a second that your something unique.
Every Trump hater like you is hoping the country fails now, and we can expect nothing more from you than the whining and screaming of a bunch of 'I told you so's' with every Biden program that is killed and every one of Trump's is put in its place.

Probably best if you simply end it all now rather than face the massive humiliation coming your way!

Enjoy this!:
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21 Jan 2025 8:42 am
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Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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21 Jan 2025 8:50 am
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Zeets2 » 21 Jan 2025, 9:39 am » wrote: Wishful thinking on the part of you and every one of your loser Democrat cohorts who hitched your wagon to a corrupt and demented moron and his giggling whore and drove this country into the ground in the last 4 years!

Don't think for a second that your something unique.
Every Trump hater like you is hoping the country fails now, and we can expect nothing more from you than the whining and screaming of a bunch of 'I told you so's' with every Biden program that is killed and every one of Trump's is put in its place.

Probably best if you simply end it all now rather than face the massive humiliation coming your way!

Enjoy this!:
no IQ is quite the 0-fer on his "predictions"... :loco:  

he seems to think that peddling his fearporn here will move the markets... :die:  
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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21 Jan 2025 9:24 am
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ROG62 » 21 Jan 2025, 9:50 am » wrote: no IQ is quite the 0-fer on his "predictions"... Image  

he seems to think that peddling his fearporn here will move the markets... Image
What's funny is the fact that they have an inherent need to proclaim Trump a failure right now, because they know how stupid they will look in a few months when Trump's policies begin to take effect and the country rebounds with a booming economy once again, just as he did in his last term before Democrats shut down businesses in order to stop it over a phony "pandemic".
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21 Jan 2025 9:39 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.
I still have a soft spot in my heart for Dick Cheny.  His kids are worthless, but the man struck fear in the hearts of Arabs.Image"SOMEONE'S GOTTA OCCUPY AFGHANISTAN"
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21 Jan 2025 9:39 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.
Hmm, I had you in high school in 2008. You must be older. Keep pushing out this "great crash", you will eventually be right.

BV treats the data as gospel, at best it's a ball park number. The "birth-death model" for business can be "wildly inaccurate" (not my words). What could go wrong with *** pull numbers from historical data? Makes a person wonder how accurate the end result is and just how accurate are the other models used.

Conjobs aren't the only ones that move to the middle, there is crazy in both parties.
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21 Jan 2025 10:27 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.
Thanks for  the BUZZ KILLING reminder that we could very well be getting set up for a life changing  GUT PUNCH from the [[[JWO]]]      :)  
[You're undoubtedly going to take a lot of heat from the Peanut Gallery for making this bold prediction...but once again you present a well reasoned argument for how and why the next financial collapse will occur.]
We can't allow ourselves to be ruled by [[[JWO BLACK MAIL]]]  though.
Might as well not hold any elections or aspire to make life in the USA better for our children.

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21 Jan 2025 11:12 am
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.
Hell yes.  Suddenly Bush/Cheney were big spending libbies.
When they had been that THE WHOLE **** TIME....
well, for never-ending wars anyway. :rofl:  

I recall cons becoming 'libertarians' overnight.  Alex Jones
popularity exploded.  Actually, some pretty fun times!

ConTards are equally as eaten up with **** as are LibTards.

2 sides of the MemeCoin :lol:  
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21 Jan 2025 1:45 pm
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.
Pedo-Prog Predictions are always a great substitute for reality^^

Yeah and Trump would lose the election....and global warming predictions are the big thing and always wrong too

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31st Arrival
21 Jan 2025 1:59 pm
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LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?

(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure... Image )

That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.

BROWN is going to have the last laugh. 


And then we re-enter this cycle again:

Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!

BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?

P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...

Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall. 
Remember in 2008 they couldn't run for office anymore and the media was pronouncing Obama as the second coming of saving humanity as the first Black president. And everyone remembers what Joe said about him before he was named vp candidate..
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21 Jan 2025 2:14 pm
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Zeets2 » 21 Jan 2025, 10:24 am » wrote: What's funny is the fact that they have an inherent need to proclaim Trump a failure right now, because they know how stupid they will look in a few months when Trump's policies begin to take effect and the country rebounds with a booming economy once again, just as he did in his last term before Democrats shut down businesses in order to stop it over a phony "pandemic".

Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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21 Jan 2025 2:35 pm
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*Beekeeper » 21 Jan 2025, 8:18 am » wrote: You PROBABLY should shut that YAPPER of yours for a VERY long time and sit back and watch how a REAL LEADER actually leads.

Face it, ASSWIPER, you and your ILK don't even have ANYONE leading your band of haters in the desert, much less have any power to do anything OTHER than whine like a bunch of 2-year-olds who lost their suckers!!

Please, at LEAST try to be COHERENT in your rantings vs this kind of **** without any valid facts to support it!!

Run along now, and **** ALL OF YOU AND YOUR LWNJ KIND!!

You remembered to ridicule his prediction ['about a stock market crash in the next 4 years] but you forgot to leave your opinion about what you think the stock market is going to do in the next 4 years.
Don't be bashful ...give us your bold and well reasoned opinion.
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21 Jan 2025 2:43 pm
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*GHETTOBLASTER » 21 Jan 2025, 3:35 pm » wrote: You remembered to ridicule his prediction ['about a stock market crash in the next 4 years] but you forgot to leave your opinion about what you think the stock market is going to do in the next 4 years.
Don't be bashful ...give us your bold and well reasoned opinion.

Wasn't me ridiculing any stock market crash prediction. Try again.

I generally DO ridicule anything a LWNJ "predicts" as being from a MORON and IDIOT, but other than that, wasn't me on any stock market crash.
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
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21 Jan 2025 2:47 pm
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*Beekeeper » 21 Jan 2025, 3:43 pm » wrote: Wasn't me ridiculing any stock market crash prediction. Try again.

I generally DO ridicule anything a LWNJ "predicts" as being from a MORON and IDIOT, but other than that, wasn't me on any stock market crash.
What was the point of your rant then...?
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