In the time it took you to type that out you could have simply answered my question.*Beekeeper » 21 Jan 2025, 3:50 pm » wrote: ↑ Bone up on your reading COMPREHENSION skills.
Then get back to us.
IF all you saw was some 'stock market crash" in the OPs rant, you missed a LOT MORE that was in there.
"You PROBABLY should shut that YAPPER of yours for a VERY long time and sit back and watch how a REAL LEADER actually leads.
Face it, ASSWIPER, you and your ILK don't even have ANYONE leading your band of haters in the desert, much less have any power to do anything OTHER than whine like a bunch of 2-year-olds who lost their suckers!!
Please, at LEAST try to be COHERENT in your rantings vs this kind of **** without any valid facts to support it!!
Run along now, and **** ALL OF YOU AND YOUR LWNJ KIND!!
Stabilize as the global supply chain gets back to doing what it should have done since 2020 covid-19 man made pandemic hit because global elitists wanted to make the general population blind faith obedient again economically.*GHETTO BLASTER » 21 Jan 2025, 3:35 pm » wrote: ↑ You remembered to ridicule his prediction ['about a stock market crash in the next 4 years] but you forgot to leave your opinion about what you think the stock market is going to do in the next 4 years.
Don't be bashful ...give us your bold and well reasoned opinion.
DOW 50,000.*GHETTOBLASTER » 21 Jan 2025, 3:35 pm » wrote: ↑ You remembered to ridicule his prediction ['about a stock market crash in the next 4 years] but you forgot to leave your opinion about what you think the stock market is going to do in the next 4 years.
Don't be bashful ...give us your bold and well reasoned opinion.
And just because the numbers are at 50k, still works same way it did at 10k just the 2nd class citizens and 3rd world savages can't afford first world authority embezzling natural time alive anymore.
Those stats, charts, graphs, and polls rarely give the accurate picture regardless of who is president. I don't know why regular Americans even bother with them. They can't put stats and graphs in their gas tank. They can't buy groceries with poll numbers. I have lived under times when the numbers were ****. They were lower than Brown's IQ. Yet, I had a great economic year and so did many other Americans. Likewise, there were times when the numbers were fantastic. Unemployment was low, inflation was low, the DOW was killing it, and I struggled to get by. As did many many Americans. At the end of the day, once one sifts through all of the smoke and mirrors, and the publicity propaganda, it all comes down to how individuals are living on a personal level.LowIQTrash » 20 Jan 2025, 11:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Remember back in 2008, Bush/Cheney had like a 23% approval rating, the stock market was crashing, and everyone pretended they never supported those 2?
(I distinctly remember a large contingency of political junkies coming out and saying they were "libertarians" around that time. Just a coincidence I'm sure...)
That's going to happen in 2027 - 2028 with tRump.
BROWN is going to have the last laugh.
And then we re-enter this cycle again:
Conjob: [Insert Democrat]'s deficits are out of control!
BROWN: Have you EVER voted for a POTUS in the past 30 years who bequeathed a smaller deficit than the one he inherited unto his successor?
P.S. The jobs/unemployment data is/was fake and it will soon be "revealed" how truly sh*tty the economy is. Lots of unrealized losses just waiting to go kaboom...
Ironically the one thing BROWN insists is real (the "Stats") is what will cause tRump's downfall.
"They" didn't follow the rules, sounds like a personal problem.31stArrival » 21 Jan 2025, 4:30 pm » wrote: ↑ And just because the numbers are at 50k, still works same way it did at 10k just the 2nd class citizens and 3rd world savages can't afford first world authority embezzling natural time alive anymore.
Well said Vegas!Vegas » 21 Jan 2025, 5:02 pm » wrote: ↑ Those stats, charts, graphs, and polls rarely give the accurate picture regardless of who is president. I don't know why regular Americans even bother with them. They can't put stats and graphs in their gas tank. They can't buy groceries with poll numbers. I have lived under times when the numbers were ****. They were lower than Brown's IQ. Yet, I had a great economic year and so did many other Americans. Likewise, there were times when the numbers were fantastic. Unemployment was low, inflation was low, the DOW was killing it, and I struggled to get by. As did many many Americans. At the end of the day, once one sifts through all of the smoke and mirrors, and the publicity propaganda, it all comes down to how individuals are living on a personal level.
Natural rules or intellectual laws, Nature has unwritten rules that equally applies to all ancestries regardless species. Mankind has specific laws defined by people as race, creed, color, national origin, etc, with alphabets of vocabulary to multiple languages used for the same purpose within local communities standardizing behavior so everyone follows the same parallel results favoring those in charge over those following their lead.Fuelman » 21 Jan 2025, 5:22 pm » wrote: ↑ "They" didn't follow the rules, sounds like a personal problem.
Zeets2 » 21 Jan 2025, 10:24 am » wrote: ↑ What's funny is the fact that they have an inherent need to proclaim Trump a failure right now, because they know how stupid they will look in a few months when Trump's policies begin to take effect and the country rebounds with a booming economy once again, just as he did in his last term before Democrats shut down businesses in order to stop it over a phony "pandemic".
Wow...the coherence...*Beekeeper » 21 Jan 2025, 8:18 am » wrote: ↑ You PROBABLY should shut that YAPPER of yours for a VERY long time and sit back and watch how a REAL LEADER actually leads.
Face it, ASSWIPER, you and your ILK don't even have ANYONE leading your band of haters in the desert, much less have any power to do anything OTHER than whine like a bunch of 2-year-olds who lost their suckers!!
Please, at LEAST try to be COHERENT in your rantings vs this kind of **** without any valid facts to support it!!
Run along now, and **** ALL OF YOU AND YOUR LWNJ KIND!!
Scrolling backwards can yield some gems.
For the Love of G*d retroactively abort this **** idiot.Vegas » 21 Jan 2025, 5:02 pm » wrote: ↑ Those stats, charts, graphs, and polls rarely give the accurate picture regardless of who is president. I don't know why regular Americans even bother with them. They can't put stats and graphs in their gas tank. They can't buy groceries with poll numbers. I have lived under times when the numbers were ****. They were lower than Brown's IQ. Yet, I had a great economic year and so did many other Americans. Likewise, there were times when the numbers were fantastic. Unemployment was low, inflation was low, the DOW was killing it, and I struggled to get by. As did many many Americans. At the end of the day, once one sifts through all of the smoke and mirrors, and the publicity propaganda, it all comes down to how individuals are living on a personal level.
Blackvegetable » 21 Jan 2025, 8:16 pm » wrote: ↑ For the Love of G*d retroactively abort this **** idiot.
The reason I say this is that the credit markets are slowly rolling over. When you (“you” as in the public) can no longer binge on debt to finance consumption and business expansion, the economy goes into the toilet.Vegas » 21 Jan 2025, 5:02 pm » wrote: ↑ Those stats, charts, graphs, and polls rarely give the accurate picture regardless of who is president. I don't know why regular Americans even bother with them. They can't put stats and graphs in their gas tank. They can't buy groceries with poll numbers. I have lived under times when the numbers were ****. They were lower than Brown's IQ. Yet, I had a great economic year and so did many other Americans. Likewise, there were times when the numbers were fantastic. Unemployment was low, inflation was low, the DOW was killing it, and I struggled to get by. As did many many Americans. At the end of the day, once one sifts through all of the smoke and mirrors, and the publicity propaganda, it all comes down to how individuals are living on a personal level.
Just stop. You look like a **** idiot. You are not addressing what he says - you are addressing him, personally. And you are doing it very stupidly, since everyone on this board knows that he sees biden the same way he saw bush: as a failure.Zeets2 » 21 Jan 2025, 9:39 am » wrote: ↑ Wishful thinking on the part of you and every one of your loser Democrat cohorts
You really shouldn't bring up covid, given that it was Trump who allowed the pharma murderers to poison us with the clot shots.Zeets2 » 21 Jan 2025, 10:24 am » wrote: ↑ What's funny is the fact that they have an inherent need to proclaim Trump a failure right now, because they know how stupid they will look in a few months when Trump's policies begin to take effect and the country rebounds with a booming economy once again, just as he did in his last term before Democrats shut down businesses in order to stop it over a phony "pandemic".
See this, @Zeets2 ?Fuelman » 21 Jan 2025, 10:39 am » wrote: ↑ Hmm, I had you in high school in 2008. You must be older. Keep pushing out this "great crash", you will eventually be right.
BV treats the data as gospel, at best it's a ball park number. The "birth-death model" for business can be "wildly inaccurate" (not my words). What could go wrong with *** pull numbers from historical data? Makes a person wonder how accurate the end result is and just how accurate are the other models used.
Conjobs aren't the only ones that move to the middle, there is crazy in both parties.