For some reason Sumela, LowIQ, rKelly......are Cannon's butt plug's.....expect to get attacked when you point out their ****.Zeets2 » 22 Jan 2025, 9:36 am » wrote: ↑ Is he or is he not addressing his own opinion about the failure he thinks Trump will be over the next 4 years? That is NOT a "thesis", you **** moron! I responded to his fact-less opinion by pointing out how virtually every Biden/Harris supporter believes and claims the same thing, which is nothing but a continuation of their ignorant rants prior to losing the election. He's learned NOTHING since Democrats got their asses handed to them in the Trump landslide victory, and deserve nothing more in the way of rebuttal from me.
Tell you what.
You respond to the opinions posted here as you want, and stop expecting others to follow the prescription you demand.
Is that a deal, Adolf?
Disprove it.
To be clear...Vegas » 22 Jan 2025, 10:45 am » wrote: ↑ Your claim, your job.
How many **** **** many...
Nevada Drivers
Yes. Not with your assertions or worthless opinions. Actual indisputable evidence.Blackvegetable » 22 Jan 2025, 10:47 am » wrote: ↑ To be clear...
You want me to prove that you're a slack jawed rube?
This guy put it all on the line also, hope you have better luck.LowIQTrash » 22 Jan 2025, 12:53 am » wrote: ↑ The difference is I will be putting all my liquid $$$ on the line. Boomers were told to buy and hold for decades…that antiquated thinking will come back and haunt them.
Real estate investors are extremely overleveraged and underwater. They will not survive.
Welcome to the Big Short 2.0
Some days, they seem to all have nothing to say and resort to acting like attention-seeking trolls.RebelGator » 22 Jan 2025, 10:32 am » wrote: ↑ For some reason Sumela, LowIQ, rKelly......are Cannon's butt plug's.....expect to get attacked when you point out their ****.
*GHETTOBLASTER » 22 Jan 2025, 7:30 am » wrote: ↑ Oooops..
I assumed you knew what "pulling liquidity out of the system" means as far as what the current plans are.
I shouldn't have assumed that you knew enough about this topic so that I wouldn't have to explain it all to you..
Well here is your crash course......
"Central banks purchased tens of trillions of dollars worth of government bonds and other assets in a bid to bring down longer-term borrowing costs and stimulate their economies. This measure, known as “quantitative easing,” or QE, created a flood of cheap cash and gave policymakers newfound sway over markets. Investors called it the era of “easy money.”But since inflation hit its highest level in a generation last year, central banks have embarked on the quest — unprecedented in scale — of shrinking their bloated balance sheets by selling securities or letting them mature and disappear from their books. “Quantitative tightening,” or QT, by top central banks will suck $2 trillion in liquidity out of the financial system over the next two years, according to a recent analysis by Fitch Ratings." ... index.html
No. That is not a deal. I will never cease to critique other posters.Zeets2 » 22 Jan 2025, 9:36 am » wrote: ↑ Is he or is he not addressing his own opinion about the failure he thinks Trump will be over the next 4 years? That is NOT a "thesis", you **** moron! I responded to his fact-less opinion by pointing out how virtually every Biden/Harris supporter believes and claims the same thing, which is nothing but a continuation of their ignorant rants prior to losing the election. He's learned NOTHING since Democrats got their asses handed to them in the Trump landslide victory, and deserve nothing more in the way of rebuttal from me.
Tell you what.
You respond to the opinions posted here as you want, and stop expecting others to follow the prescription you demand.
Is that a deal, Adolf?
You don't understand how any of this works.*Beekeeper » 22 Jan 2025, 12:53 pm » wrote: ↑
And you think I give a **** how a bunch of Trump haters also hate me, or that I need anyone to explain to me how another poster thinks I should respond to their comment? I don't waste my time trying to force anyone to answer my comments, nor do I need your own interpretation of how I should respond. I think I make it pretty damn clear that the opinions of liberal idiots have zero effect on me. And if it's in your interest to coddle and support them, be my guest! It's certainly no skin off my nose!Cannonpointer » 22 Jan 2025, 2:33 pm » wrote: ↑ No. That is not a deal. I will never cease to critique other posters.
I would wager he took as much pleasure from Trump winning as you did.
He just wants you to know that he thinks you are stupid, and you just want to continue proving him right.
I mean that with love and respect.
*GHETTOBLASTER » 22 Jan 2025, 3:02 pm » wrote: ↑ You don't understand how any of this works.
First of all..if you have to lie in order to make a point..then you don't deserve my respect.
You don't have enough self respect to stick to the truth.
Trump doesn't have control of the band aid fixes the Fed executed back in 2009 that are coming home to roost.
What is the separation between stupid and fooled for life hoping life isn't self evident daily. Your faith in intellectually founded facts on ideas anything else is possible than genetics eternally separating the active reproductions inhabiting space now is where the physical eternal hell has existed since dawn of civilization reliving the same original sin every generation gap added so far.*Beekeeper » 22 Jan 2025, 4:33 pm » wrote: ↑ Nice try. Seems you think that Trump controls the Fed. Which he doesn't. Neither did Biden, Ovomit, or even Roosevelt.
Just shows how **** STUPID YOU ARE!! Nice deflection, NAZI JEW HATER!!
I actually was happy Trump won, but not for the same reasons as everyone else.Cannonpointer » 22 Jan 2025, 2:33 pm » wrote: ↑ No. That is not a deal. I will never cease to critique other posters.
I would wager he took as much pleasure from Trump winning as you did.
He just wants you to know that he thinks you are stupid, and you just want to continue proving him right.
I mean that with love and respect.