Instincts are an amazing intelligence, shame you don't use it.
no it doesn't correct perpetual corruption still in play.
She didn't, the boats landed in central America or Mexico and crossed the river as political refugees because they wouldn't fix their own country and plan to mooch off ours.*GHETTO BLASTER » 21 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ How many boat loads of Haitians or Cubans do you think she ever turned back...?
Bad analogy, since it will make them a protected class of people again where the majority have to follow their lead again in less than a decade from now.PhiloBeddo » Today, 11:42 am » wrote: ↑ The swamp is shrinking. Dems and the Deep state are an endangered species.
Why did you change your handle?31stArrival » Today, 5:51 am » wrote: ↑ Instincts are an amazing intelligence, shame you don't use it. Each human brain can detect something is wrong with the body it is in even though its features match what the body has been since conceived.
Your mind is developed after birth by the language used in your society for hundreds of generations so far. Ideas come and go same as generation gaps living in series parallel situation of adapting in plain sight changing form with each heartbeat individually here as specificlaly alive each rotaiton living so far.
That instinctive knowledge protects its future generations in ways people of character ignore daily to stay in character defined by public consensus of previous 4 generation gaps believing they are "blessed" with a 5th from something more than time alive never same results twice.
During the gestation conversion froma fertilized cell to infant born to the parents conceiving it, the nucleus of that fertilized cell became the organ of the central nervous system giving the body the ability to perform like its previous 4 generation gaps have since inception of the ancestral lineage. Nobody knows how many combinations of generations gaps existed before history was recorded.
But ever since people became creating public consensus this species corrupted itself exponentially more each generation gap forward 7 days a week promising every great great grandchld a better tomorrrow if they stay true to their ancestral beliefs life exceeds time adapting here now.
See I did it again, explained the original sin of ancestry trading away actual time eternally separated for ideas life is greater than limited to adapting here now. Everyone does it so humans must have rights no other species can since humans corrupted themselves out of understanding now is eternity.
sole result
Oh…31stArrival » 9 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ sole result
omh= one male human
Nostradamus' One Male
31st Arrival is binary code of sequence to my ancestral lineage replacing my 4 previous generation gaps of 30 parenting people 16, 8, 4, 2 I arrived.
Relative time last 150 years. That is what my origami was all about, event horizons to a perpetual balancing universal moment nothing stays the same twice.
I can account for compounding chromosomes to the sequence population changes of people alive daily in series parallel time not using the 7 day week misdirection use for thousands of years corrupting every ancestor alive each generation so far.
I understand how to solve humanity corrupting this species inside out without bloody battles, economic conflicts, all the things in history done in the competition to control space daily with hypothetical scenarios life is more than adapting forward now in plain sight of each person's time alive daily.
Free trade. I was forced to comply first 31 years of my life being told I am nothing without a social contract with humanity because character matters. When I started questioning authorities with what I figured out in real time, I was always being warned to stfu or else. So since I know I cannot destroy what I need to survive, I set back and watched even more until 2005 when the weaponized American legal system went after my sibling with the national media leading the charges set against my sibling, same methods used against Trump a decade later.
So to take down the corrupted system I have to put together how the corrupted system became real in the first place. Power of suggestion got weaponized into persuasion of power through economic tyranny. Well rule of 72 in economics is a reverse calculation of ancestral progression since inception of the species where chromosomes in ancestral lineages flows at a constant rate of exchange per generationgap forward within the genertion gaps alive on the same rotationof the planet.
Self evident evolving without the 7 day statistical averages used against each great great grandchild cradle to grave.
An ounce of instintive honest is worth 7,000 years of intellectual misdirection.
ha ha ha ha ha. That Oh sounds like the instinctive reaction I got your brain feeling like it is about to pop out your skull
Yes! I wish it would! Because, by now we both know it does me no good!31stArrival » 7 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ ha ha ha ha ha. That Oh sounds like the instinctive reaction I got your brain feeling like it is about to pop out your skull
They aren’t jumping they are being removed involuntarily
Yes, in most cases I guess you're right!