Do you base all human nature by what you believe possible, history of civilization, or understanding the time life has for each ancestor living here today? Before this thread, I never heard of the guy.
I had the Duck for dinner. It would make Colonel Sanders want to be a waterman. The flaming brandy apples and pecans with it were banging and would probabaly have gotten Hegseth drunk.31stArrival » 25 Jan 2025, 4:03 pm » wrote: ↑ Do you base all human nature by what you believe possible, history of civilization, or understanding the time life has for each ancestor living here today? Before this thread, I never heard of the guy.
Guess I should watch it, but my guess before I do is it is typical social **** by one party blasting 3 other parties.
Ok read a bio on the guy, fricken lawyer for Nord Stream 2. damn my instincts are good.
Seb Sass is Rogan's replacement?
hyperbole again. "A" duck or "the" duck. Your vernacular use of English shows the character you rather have been since conceived other than the ancestor you are by the chromosomes delivered by your 30 ancestors of your previous 4 generation gaps lived in real time. My genetic results have been alive for about 160 years combined. 16 8, 4, 2. There siblings is how natural order doubles down every generation gap to sustain a species alive as eternally separated now.Johnny You » 25 Jan 2025, 4:30 pm » wrote: ↑ I had the Duck for dinner. It would make Colonel Sanders want to be a waterman. The flaming brandy apples and pecans with it were banging and would probabaly have gotten Hegseth drunk.
This was after I watched a 100,000 ducks had the New Wuhan and had to be taken out from their 37 cycles in eggvolution.
It's a damn good thing we don't eat Duck Eggs.. We would probably alll turn into dinosaurs again instantly and our way back genes would cry "I'm Baaaahhhhkkk"
Never forget that Money is actually matter.. Until the Trump Coin flips out of existence....31stArrival » 25 Jan 2025, 4:41 pm » wrote: ↑ hyperbole again. "A" duck or "the" duck. Your vernacular use of English shows the character you rather have been since conceived other than the ancestor you are by the chromosomes delivered by your 30 ancestors of your previous 4 generation gaps lived in real time.
Cloth called paper currency that is manufactured to represent value as 3rd party transfers so people don't have to trade perisable goods for services. Can't eat metal, wood, glass so currency is the arbitrary value used as the social go between in the general population of a country and people calling themselves citizens of ideology.Johnny You » 25 Jan 2025, 4:43 pm » wrote: ↑ Never forget that Money is actually matter.. Until the Trump Coin flips out of existence....
We got all the Einstime in the Universe...
The quantum gurus are discussing a hypothesis there is a higher power that sees value in at least slowing down entropy.31stArrival » 25 Jan 2025, 4:52 pm » wrote: ↑ Cloth called paper currency that is manufactured to represent value as 3rd party transfers so people don't have to trade perisable goods for services. Can't eat metal, wood, glass so currency is the arbitrary value used as the social go between in the general population of a country and people calling themselves citizens of ideology..
What is the first intellectual law of thermodynamcs about energy?Johnny You » 25 Jan 2025, 4:55 pm » wrote: ↑ The quantum gurus are discussing a hypothesis there is a higher power that sees value in at least slowing down entropy.
As far as I know, the law can't be reversed. Everything will turn into cold grey gas or a black hole at some point.
We got an orange smoke bomb on stage right now in the hunger games.
europe should tell ukraine to forget about joining nato and forget about getting crimera back and have a peace pact with russia and the US takes no part in negotiations.
Easy for you to say being at least 4,000 miles away.jerra b » 25 Jan 2025, 5:02 pm » wrote: ↑ europe tell ukraine to forget about joining nato and forget about getting crimera back and have a peace pact with russia and the US takes no part in negotiations.
What is the motive for the two countries in battle? pretendng life isn't self evident rach side is trying to be the chosen people to inherit the earth. Now in this atmosphere there are 21 base religions and 1,043 politicla parties between 5 ancestral lineages and 5 generation gaps in each sustaing up to 8.2 billion humans alive today separaed in groups of 16 great great grandparent generation, 8 great grandparent generation, 4 grandparent generation, 2 parenting the arival of the great great grandchild generation replacing their 4 generation gaps of 30 specific ancestor lived previous 100 years changing form shaped since their fertilized cell arrived.jerra b » 25 Jan 2025, 5:08 pm » wrote: ↑ it is easy for you to want to prolong the war since you are 4,000 miles away.
31stArrival » 25 Jan 2025, 4:52 pm » wrote: ↑ Cloth called paper currency that is manufactured to represent value as 3rd party transfers so people don't have to trade perisable goods for services. Can't eat metal, wood, glass so currency is the arbitrary value used as the social go between in the general population of a country and people calling themselves citizens of ideology.
It was your constant videos that got you suspended before and I see you haven't changed your methodology on bit. tick tock. Einstein was an educated idiot that took the glory from what others achieved using his relative time theory **** backing up social consensus life cannot be self evident genetics sustains eternal separation of ancestors alive daily here.
31stArrival » 25 Jan 2025, 5:10 pm » wrote: ↑ What is the motive for the two countries in battle? pretendng life isn't self evident they they are tryingto be the chosen people to inherit the earth.
You won't think in real time always reciting human behavior every generation combined workign linear relative time theory to define genetics eternaly separating ancestor living now.Johnny You » 25 Jan 2025, 5:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Nixon or Carter took us off Gold.
Currency is a metaphor. Putin trades beans for bombs directly. Probably even for the NK's in Ukraine getting massacred like a 1970's duck shoot arcade game.
The asymmetric future of humanity is being waged on one or two poker tables of rich azz oligarchs hell bent for the kleptocrapocalypse.
This Sas fella is always on point.
Because my brain is witnessing nobody else is trying to correct this species living absolutely corrupted every genertion gap added and doing this on message boards does three things