Seb Sass on Trump's Eunuchraine Policy

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jerra b
26 Jan 2025 2:50 am
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LowIQTrash » 26 Jan 2025, 3:05 am » wrote: Nixon ran on anti-war sentiment, and all he did was prolong the Vietnam War

Only when the war became untenable did he finally capitulate (but by then he was out of office on bogus charges - in fact, you can even argue Nixon was JFK's silent successor who shared similar foreign and domestic policy ideas)

IIRC Nixon said some bad things about the tiny hats, so his legacy is forever tarnished, even though he wasn't as bad as the history textbooks claim he was


If you think this is bad now, wait until the budget deficits spiral out of control and the US enters a severe recession. Trumpty Dumpty's woes are just getting started, which CONFIRMS my suspicions the DemocRats threw the election on purpose
kennedy did not want the viet nam war.
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Two If By Tea
26 Jan 2025 3:03 am
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jerrab » 26 Jan 2025, 3:50 am » wrote: kennedy did not want the viet nam war.

Vietnam was a "Failure"...

We did not understand their game.

Also "Terrorist" Spread "Agent Orange" many victims were "Our Own" People still paying "Claims" Upon it too.

But We should "Pay" that thats our own Troops
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31st Arrival
26 Jan 2025 6:43 am
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LowIQTrash » 26 Jan 2025, 3:05 am » wrote: Nixon ran on anti-war sentiment, and all he did was prolong the Vietnam War

Only when the war became untenable did he finally capitulate (but by then he was out of office on bogus charges - in fact, you can even argue Nixon was JFK's silent successor who shared similar foreign and domestic policy ideas)

IIRC Nixon said some bad things about the tiny hats, so his legacy is forever tarnished, even though he wasn't as bad as the history textbooks claim he was


If you think this is bad now, wait until the budget deficits spiral out of control and the US enters a severe recession. Trumpty Dumpty's woes are just getting started, which CONFIRMS my suspicions the DemocRats threw the election on purpose
Which President got the USA involved with Vietnam? JFK and LBJ expanded it into what Nixon was stuck with in 1969. Same damned cycle still played out in 2025. Just the great grandchildren repeating history of their grandparents family traditional values again.

the common thread, vernacular tribalism of people ignoring how evolving actually works daily.
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26 Jan 2025 6:47 am
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Cannonpointer » 25 Jan 2025, 6:47 pm » wrote: Yes, the Russians have a reasonable doubt that anything has changed with the election - and Trump is sustaining it. 

Meet the new boss. On foreign policy? Same as the old boss. Standard Issue Neocon.
Well, it seems some things have changed, you can't call this standard issue..

Trump Halts Ukraine Aid As State Dept "Totally Went Nuclear" On Foreign Assistance
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Johnny You
26 Jan 2025 7:01 am
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Cannonpointer » 25 Jan 2025, 8:01 pm » wrote: Our own state department has never confirmed there are any NK troops fighting in Russia. The most they have confirmed is that there are 10k NK troops in Russia, but not that they are engaged in any combat. There are 2,000 UK troops in America. Are they fighting anyone, to your knowledge? How about the 35,000 U.S. troops in Germany? Are they being massacred? Who are THEY fighting? They must be there to fight, yes? Like the UK troops here? And the NK troops in Russia? I mean, they CAN'T be there training and doing joint exercises in keeping with their alliance's commitments, can they? They MUST be fighting - and getting massacred. They're cannon fodder, I tell ya. The North Koreans, I mean - not the Ukrainians. CERTAINLY not the Ukrainians. They're winning! Bigly!

You are buying the propaganda. I recommend you subscribe to Sebastian Sass, to get a bit of balance. 

NO ONE says the NK are fighting in Ukraine. Not even the green t-shirt says that. And no one EXCEPT the green t-shirt claims they are fighting AT ALL - much less "being massacred." The only people being massacred are the Ukrainians, and that can stop at any moment. All they need to do is get rid of the coup government and stop murdering ethnic Russian citizens in [WHAT USED TO BE] Eastern Ukraine. 

And be clear. I am not claiming that the NK troops are not defending Russian territory against invaders, per their mutual defense pact with Russia. I do not pretend to know. But I trust the state department's refusal to play along with the green t-shirt. Not that I would trust them much if they DID confirm it - but the fact that they have NOT confirmed it, when I am sure they would happily do so if any evidence of it existed, makes me reasonably sure the green t-shirt is lying through his green teeth.
What propaganda am I supposed to buy? I'll  try to find time to see Sass..  I remember a Ben Sass in politics..I think he was lib.

I personally think Ukraine should get Crimea back.  They should control the bread basket and the world exports. It may be complicated, but Russia has been an adversary of the US for most of my life.  I remember the relief when the wall came down and the hope that maybe Mutually Assured Destruction might a least not happen.  Now we are back to living with the threat of the release of the kraken Oppenhiemer Biblical Armageddon stockpiled in the arsenals again.

Best Day to you C. Thanks for sharing perspective.  I looked for proof of NK's in Ukraine and BBC was a the top. I don't even have time to read it myself.
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Johnny You
26 Jan 2025 7:16 am
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26 Jan 2025 7:45 am
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Johnny You » 26 Jan 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: What propaganda am I supposed to buy? I'll  try to find time to see Sass..  I remember a Ben Sass in politics..I think he was lib.

I personally think Ukraine should get Crimea back.  They should control the bread basket and the world exports. It may be complicated, but Russia has been an adversary of the US for most of my life.  I remember the relief when the wall came down and the hope that maybe Mutually Assured Destruction might a least not happen.  Now we are back to living with the threat of the release of the kraken Oppenhiemer Biblical Armageddon stockpiled in the arsenals again.

Best Day to you C. Thanks for sharing perspective.  I looked for proof of NK's in Ukraine and BBC was a the top. I don't even have time to read it myself.
You sell your own brand of propaganda, so why would you buy anyone else's to share your revenue's gains in the process of embezzling biological time from every ancestor alive.
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26 Jan 2025 10:16 am
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Good video. I fail to see why America simply backing off altogether shouldn't be an option. What stakes are lost to us regardless of the outcome between the those two countries? 
Retarded Horse's view on women.

JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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26 Jan 2025 11:10 am
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I guess Sebastien is not at liberty to go into the real reason why Zelensky can't sit down and hammer out a negotiation face to face with Putin.
Zelensky would need to be "wearing a wire" and possibly be outfitted with a special pair of eyeglasses that have a built in teleprompter display. .
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26 Jan 2025 11:31 am
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Vegas » 26 Jan 2025, 11:16 am » wrote: Good video. I fail to see why America simply backing off altogether shouldn't be an option. What stakes are lost to us regardless of the outcome between the those two countries?
Good morning Vegas.
Think of Ukraine as a Forward Operations Base of [[[THE USA]]]..then ask yourself if you'd like having Russian missiles stationed in Cuba.
When we say that we "want to bring Ukraine into NATO"...this is what is actually being said.
If the USA backs off, then "the dream" of having  Ukraine as our FOB as well as our way to shut down the flow of Russian gas into Europe is lost
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26 Jan 2025 6:47 pm
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LowIQTrash » 26 Jan 2025, 3:05 am » wrote: Nixon ran on anti-war sentiment, and all he did was prolong the Vietnam War

Only when the war became untenable did he finally capitulate (but by then he was out of office on bogus charges - in fact, you can even argue Nixon was JFK's silent successor who shared similar foreign and domestic policy ideas)

IIRC Nixon said some bad things about the tiny hats, so his legacy is forever tarnished, even though he wasn't as bad as the history textbooks claim he was


If you think this is bad now, wait until the budget deficits spiral out of control and the US enters a severe recession. Trumpty Dumpty's woes are just getting started, which CONFIRMS my suspicions the DemocRats threw the election on purpose
That war ended because the troops were fragging leftenants faster than west point could mint them. War require leftenants. 
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26 Jan 2025 6:48 pm
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26 Jan 2025 7:13 pm
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But it isn't true.

Trump has not halted Eunuchraine aid. 

They are still receiving arms and cash assistance. What he banned was reconstruction funding.
EDIT: I said that before clicking your link. Never thought I would like anything Rubio did. I was incorrect. I like it very much.
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26 Jan 2025 7:29 pm
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JohnnyYou » 26 Jan 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: What propaganda am I supposed to buy? I'll  try to find time to see Sass..  I remember a Ben Sass in politics..I think he was lib.

I personally think Ukraine should get Crimea back.
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Now that's funny right there- I don't care who you are. It's very clear that you are quite uninformed on a great many levels. For starters, Russia is a world power that REQUIRES a deep water port in a warm water sea. Eunuchraine has Odessa and another whose name I cannot recall and am not committed to googling. Historically, Crimea has been Russian. Linguistically, Crimea is Russian. Ethnically, Crimea is Russian. Politically and legally, buy a significant margin, Crimea voted to be Russian. The U.N. and the world court both hold that populations have a right to vote themselves out of a country that they feel does not serve their interests. All of the jobs in Crimea were on Russia's payroll. Eunuchraine could not SUPPORT Crimea. The workers there could not feed their families, if they relied on Eunuchraine.

The same is true in donbass and the other oblasts that have voted to be part of Russia. They were being murdered by actual Ukrainian nazis, and they didn't like that. Something something don't murder me bro - that kind of thing.
JohnnyYou » 26 Jan 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: They should control the bread basket and the world exports.
That ship sailed, son. They HAD that offer - and they initialed their agreement with that offer. And then NATO sent Boris Johnson to sell zelenski on war with Russia. Putin told zelenski this is the best offer you will ever get, and if you insist on walking away from the peace talks, the next offer is going to suck.

Well, Putin's offer sucks. Surrender and we will stop killing you is not much of an offer - but I don't think it's going to get much better than that.
JohnnyYou » 26 Jan 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: It may be complicated, but Russia has been an adversary of the US for most of my life.  I remember the relief when the wall came down and the hope that maybe Mutually Assured Destruction might a least not happen.  Now we are back to living with the threat of the release of the kraken Oppenhiemer Biblical Armageddon stockpiled in the arsenals again.
Yes, because Russia kept expanding westward, bringing their war machines closer and closer to Europe's borders.

Oh, wait. That is *** backwards - like your view of the situation. Image

Just pretend that Russia orchestrated a coup in Mexico, to put its missiles on America's border.

Get that thought. Just pretend that happened. Now answer this question: What should the U.S. do?
JohnnyYou » 26 Jan 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: Best Day to you C. Thanks for sharing perspective.  I looked for proof of NK's in Ukraine and BBC was a the top. I don't even have time to read it myself.
You are welcome.

Thanks for the link - I will peruse it and respond.
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If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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26 Jan 2025 7:38 pm
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Okay, I read your link and my position remains the same. I cannot find ONE WORD from the pentagon confirming what the BBC is claiming. They claim they have a pentagon source, but they attach no name. I call ****. The latest word I can find on NK soldiers from the pentagon is dated Nov 4, confirming that NK soldiers are in Russia and number about 10k. Not one word about them fighting, other than to say that if they do fight, they will be legitimate targets - which is kind of redundant and stupid, but we're talking about the pentagon. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

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If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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26 Jan 2025 7:42 pm
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Vegas » 26 Jan 2025, 11:16 am » wrote: Good video. I fail to see why America simply backing off altogether shouldn't be an option. What stakes are lost to us regardless of the outcome between the those two countries?
Duh. We lose the opportunity to loot Russia and are forced to feed on our allies vassals in Europe. 

The deep sate wanted to feed on Russia - not Germany. A sick Germany makes a sick Europe. The Count does not WANT to feed on Renfield. Sometimes he has to - but he doesn't have to like it.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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26 Jan 2025 7:43 pm
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*GHETTOBLASTER » 26 Jan 2025, 12:10 pm » wrote: I guess Sebastien is not at liberty to go into the real reason why Zelensky can't sit down and hammer out a negotiation face to face with Putin.
Zelensky would need to be "wearing a wire" and possibly be outfitted with a special pair of eyeglasses that have a built in teleprompter display. .
Oh, Sass takes every liberty in exposing who holds zelenski's leach. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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26 Jan 2025 8:10 pm
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JohnnyYou » 26 Jan 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: What propaganda am I supposed to buy? I'll  try to find time to see Sass..  I remember a Ben Sass in politics..I think he was lib.

I personally think Ukraine should get Crimea back.  They should control the bread basket and the world exports. It may be complicated, but Russia has been an adversary of the US for most of my life.  I remember the relief when the wall came down and the hope that maybe Mutually Assured Destruction might a least not happen.  Now we are back to living with the threat of the release of the kraken Oppenhiemer Biblical Armageddon stockpiled in the arsenals again.

Best Day to you C. Thanks for sharing perspective.  I looked for proof of NK's in Ukraine and BBC was a the top. I don't even have time to read it myself.
Watch this, and see if some lights do not come on. It's short, and it's interesting, and it's informative.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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27 Jan 2025 9:24 am
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*GHETTOBLASTER » 26 Jan 2025, 12:31 pm » wrote: Good morning Vegas.
Think of Ukraine as a Forward Operations Base of [[[THE USA]]]..then ask yourself if you'd like having Russian missiles stationed in Cuba.
When we say that we "want to bring Ukraine into NATO"...this is what is actually being said.
If the USA backs off, then "the dream" of having  Ukraine as our FOB as well as our way to shut down the flow of Russian gas into Europe is lost

Yeah, that makes sense. What did we think Russia would do? Just stand by and allow NATO to put nukes at their front door? Of course Russia is going to take actions against that. They have a right to. 
Retarded Horse's view on women.

JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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27 Jan 2025 10:39 am
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Vegas » 26 Jan 2025, 11:16 am » wrote: Good video. I fail to see why America simply backing off altogether shouldn't be an option. What stakes are lost to us regardless of the outcome between the those two countries?
Sir, BlackRock paid BILLIONS$$$ for some of the land that Russia now controls.

So why??...natural gas, uranium, lithium....many mines already belong to Russia :rofl:  
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