The Pentagon Of Quatum Corruption By Humanity From Within Its Own Species

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31st Arrival
Today 5:34 am
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The pentagon of prefixes to the root of "pression" Im, ex, op, sup, com.

Quantum entanglement of syllables used to block the full potential of each great great grandchild's brain born daily since added to the ever changing population left alive tomorrow each rotation forward today.

Philosophies, psychologies, theologies, mythologies, geologies, geometrics of time displacement, geographically here, now proportionately inhabiting space in series parallel positions currently existing as specificially performing the ideas traditionally used within one species daily last 7,000 years.

Each body's brain regardless the species it is in each ancestral position alive is capable of navigating life spontaneously here, simultaneously unique daily per heartbeat of each body living in plain sight.

What does the word mind mean? It is a rhetorical question because your response will be the same as it ever has been. You(anyone reading this) won't discuss actual evolving as personally existing within equally timed apart now in plain sight you will die defending reasonable doubt than give up playing a role in saving humanity's tomorrows is separate space than adapting here eternally separated now.

Your ancestry's version of New World Order is as corrupt as everyone opposing yours.

Peace cannot exist when generation gaps agree to disagree about why life is self evident daily. PM half of the planet directing the AM results dawn to dusk, midnight to noon 7 tomorrows on a calendar of scheduled events by rule of law used throughout history each generation gap lived or alive now as genetically displaced so far.
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