The deep state are very angry that light is being shinned on their work.

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Yesterday 1:24 pm
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These government agencies hate transparency. They are wasting money and doing evil ****. Get rid of them
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Today 5:49 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Maybe it's time someone shined a light on your lack of education.
Harper Lee
Today 5:54 am
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Squatchman » 7 minutes ago » wrote: Shinned?
Maybe it's time someone shined a light on your lack of education.
Can you educate us about where you found Riley was on meth the day she was murdered by an illegal?
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Today 6:02 am
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Squatchman » 17 minutes ago » wrote: Shinned?
Maybe it's time someone shined a light on your lack of education.

Hey Snatchquatch in a dress...

He's not a pedo=prog like you so he is vastly more intelligent than you...wanna know why?

here's a list of why...only an idiot would support this kind of ****

1. Pedo=Prog child sexualization in government schools
2. Pedo=Prog child sex trafficking
3. Pedo=Prog race and sexual preference based hiring
4. Pedo=Prog Child sterilization and mutilations supported by government schools and Pedo=Prog teachers unions
5. Pedo=Prog sponsored Illegal alien disease speading and violent crimes against the American people that pedo=Progs hate so much
6. Pedo=Progs Political Persecution of anyone who disagrees with the Pedo=Prog Violent Cult of Htred against anything American.
7. Pedo=Prog Legalized Pedophilia
8. Pedo=Prog weaponization of government against parents trying to protect their small children from the Pedo=Progs themselves
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