Maybe he intends to ship some Democrats over there, I could support that.
I thought Israel was our 51st State....?
RebelGator » 04 Feb 2025, 8:00 pm » wrote: ↑ Maybe he intends to ship some Democrats over there, I could support that.
don’t trust them they will just release themnefarious101 » 04 Feb 2025, 8:39 pm » wrote: ↑ he's thinking about letting other countries take our worst criminals....their prisons and not ours
nefarious101 » 05 Feb 2025, 6:55 am » wrote: ↑ If they do they will be releasing our hardened criminals in their own countries
Commonwealth, not a state, nation. Did you listen or read between the lines recited and reinterpreted to fit eeryones alternate reality factually from what actually took place as a briefing about plans for the area redeveloped so the area can repay America for rebuilding it?
I do not trust Trump, completely. But he has always shown signs of being a representative rather than a leader. That is why I give him the benefit of a doubt, until he destroys that doubt.PhiloBeddo » 05 Feb 2025, 12:17 pm » wrote: ↑ Trump is so smart. Rebuild Gaza. Let other countries and developers rebuild. It creates job for the citizens and give them a better life and place to live. Be friends with Israel and have economic success. End the fighting and war.
Isrel is an ally, and you know the definition of allies, correct? the enemy of my enemies is me/my country. Allies are just friends in need of being taken care of 24/7 and stop taking care of them and see how fast they bite back.
31stArrival » 05 Feb 2025, 12:11 pm » wrote: ↑ Commonwealth, not a state, nation. Did you listen or read between the lines recited and reinterpreted to fit eeryones alternate reality factually from what actually took place as a briefing about plans for the area redeveloped so the area can repay America for rebuilding it?
You one track mentalities just can't ever balance past, current events, and future to fit into now being eternity.
without a doubt created by theory, theology, economic control of tomorrow noon to midnight today.