Hide Sight Being 20/20, Not Difficult Seeing How Corruption never Stops

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31st Arrival
Yesterday 7:10 am
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History recycle as designed greater good tomorrows only work 24 hours a rotation daily. Factual midnight to noon is another day from the same rotaiton happening noon to midnight dawn to dusk.

Then put all tha tinformationon a calendar charting yesterday, today and tomorrow by economic rule of 72 compounding yields forward daily.

See with tomorrow happens intellectually midnight to noon and today dawn to dusk the literal day ends noon to midnight, yesterday is left out of the facts every generation honoring the facts as all they have to mind cradle to grave.

Keep it simple stupid and have reasonable doubt save the ideas now isn't eternity so people can be more than their biological sovereignty eternally spearated now.
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Yesterday 7:24 am
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I would like to "Hide" my sight but blindness is not 20/20
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31st Arrival
Yesterday 7:27 am
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nefarious101 » 6 minutes ago » wrote: I would like to "Hide" my sight but blindness is not 20/20
Blind faith by people that cannot believe life is self evident time biologically eternally separated while adaptingin space now. Don't play devil's advocate with my brain. I was nurtured to have a mind just like yours. But I never let go of my biological sovereignty.

MY BS is deeper than your social consensus's bs life isn't self evident time adapting here each heartbeat existing in series parallel conditions as the entire food chain functions same way now.
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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 7:47 am
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nefarious101 » 27 minutes ago » wrote: I would like to "Hide" my sight but blindness is not 20/20

Let's talk about how diopter is calculated instead...
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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31st Arrival
Yesterday 7:54 am
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Deezer Shoove » 8 minutes ago » wrote: Let's talk about how diopter is calculated instead...
I have to look up the term, first time I ever seen or heard it. I will edit this post in a few minutes.

A diopter is the unit of measurement used for an eye prescription. The focusing strength of your glasses or contacts is measured in diopters. In other words, diopters measure how powerful your prescription is. A higher prescription will have larger numbers, whereas a milder prescription will have smaller numbers.

made up contextual bs. figures that is what you would use against my Biologicl Sovereignty by chromosomes arrived via fertilized cell.
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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 8:17 am
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This is way more interesting than your OP.

Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Yesterday 8:55 am
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31stArrival » Today, 8:10 am » wrote: History recycle as designed greater good tomorrows only work 24 hours a rotation daily. Factual midnight to noon is another day from the same rotaiton happening noon to midnight dawn to dusk.

Then put all that information on a calendar charting yesterday, today, and tomorrow by economic rule of 72 compounding yields forward daily.

See with tomorrow happens intellectually midnight to noon and today dawn to dusk the literal day ends noon to midnight, yesterday is left out of the facts every generation honoring the facts as all they have to mind cradle to grave. the missing link of rational minds leading ancestries into the promise of life isn't self evident today.

Humanity invented too many wizards of Oz in academia, arts, economics, religions, politics, developing social consensuses daily rather than allowing eveyone to understnd the responsibility of staying honest about their individual biological sovereignty concieved to decomposed as eternally separated by hearbeats going forward in series parallel ancestral positions daily here.

I was born into this manmade Eternal Hell, but I figured a way out like nobody has since 2,025 years ago. And he was just a biological sole himself.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C14m0mX717E Too many wizards of oz

Keep it simple stupid and have reasonable doubt save the ideas now isn't eternity so people can be more than their biological sovereignty eternally separated in series parallel time daily here, now.

ha ha ha ha ha ha Oh my, life is just so complicated!

Hide sight? What a **** idiot.
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31st Arrival
Yesterday 8:59 am
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Deezer Shoove » 45 minutes ago » wrote: This is way more interesting than your OP.

When people are only intereted in debating anything else is possible that becomes facts supporting humanity ancestrally in social anrratives of all 5 current generation gaps alive daily here,

1. guess where tyranny by power of suggestion originated?
2. guess why nobody can define actual evolving without getting punished by all existing alternate eralities combined?
3. Guess where 90% of all mental illnesses about personal identity came from throughout history of each ancestral lineage alive today?
4. Guess why nobody can get along since ignoring all one is as self evidently alive cannot defend their time self evidently alive in any court of law or court of public opinions in any institutional theater promoting reasonable doubt into each great great grandchild replacing their 30 previous ancestors of their prior 4 generation gaps that can date back over a century and a half of self evident evolving so far?
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