Fired Federal Workers Should Be Thanking Trump!

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Today 11:21 am
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If and when you find another job in the private sector you should make more money. Of course you have to get around having the Federal government as your last job on the resume. Things may have changed but the perception of government workers is they are lazy **** and that job experience doesn't always translate to the real world!

Read "‘I need a job’: Why fired federal workers are struggling to replace government work" on SmartNews:

A Congressional Budget Office report released last year found pay disparities depended on workers’ education. Federal workers with a high school diploma or less outearned their private-sector counterparts with 17% higher wages, the CBO found. That edge disappeared among better-educated workers. Workers with bachelor’s degrees had wages 10% lower than the private sector and those with professional degrees or doctorates earned 29% less. Federal benefits were vastly better than the private sector for the lowest-educated workers, the CBO found, and about even for the highest-educated workers.
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Today 1:48 pm
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12,928 posts
Fuelman » Today, 12:21 pm » wrote: If and when you find another job in the private sector you should make more money. Of course you have to get around having the Federal government as your last job on the resume. Things may have changed but the perception of government workers is they are lazy **** and that job experience doesn't always translate to the real world!

I remember telling my dad that I was thinking about working for a local municipality after college.  Dad set me straight with that kind of wrong thinking - pretty much exactly what you said.
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