Orban BASED AF: no more gay parades in Hungary

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Today 9:40 am
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30,569 posts
Meanwhile, *** is taking over the Diseased West.
Mouthyous Trumperton can try and rid it from GOVT, BUT that is a VERY VERY TINY % of the US *** population.
The EU? Image  They are eaten alive with *** diseases and are dying.

Well done Mr. Orban.... Image  

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Today 9:56 am
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12,529 posts
Damn it...!!!
My dream of mass, worldwide population reduction NEEDS THE ADVANCEMENT OF QUEER AGENDA so that it can work at WARP SPEED...!

Otherwise, [[[social engineering]]] of soft, spoiled, lazy, selfish and drug addled people who have no energy, time or desire to want kids will be the only way to achieve my goal...!

Oh yeah almost forgot ...the suppression of life giving medical information is part of my plan too....
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