Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 11:43 pm » wrote: ↑Yesterday, 11:43 pm
Never gonna happen.
Look, the E.U. NEEDS this conflict to go on. And so do many individual PMs. The people don't - but the leaders do. The individual leaders do, because they've bet their political careers on it. The E.U. does, because they are consolidating their bureaucratic power through it.
Not one person at the E.U. level is voted for - not one. They're all bureaucrats, and at this point, the whims of the bureaucrats carry more weight than the decisions of the elected leaders. The E.U. can and does fix elections in member states. It recently shut down the election in Romania, because it didn't like the way the people were voting. It threatened to do the same in German, if the Germans didn't vote correctly.
The E.U. is not a country. It's a **** club, FUNCTIONING as a country, on extremely shaky legal authority. The E.U. is going to be lucky to negotiate a deal to stay in existence over the next few years, as member countries tire of the stink of the thing - much less negotiate with Moscow. Germany is deindustrializing thanks to the E.U.'s ****.
New World Order from Old World Negotiations between ancestral lineages typecasting their own stereotypical behavior on the world stage in every theater of social doubt manifested by rule of law serving God and Country regardless which generation gap living tyranny of character matters until extinction arrives come hell or high water social mentality established throughout history so far.
Longitudes measure time rotating on a planet between 4 event horizons that stay with perpetual balancing time displaced. latitudes measure climate zone between equator and polar axis points.
Every solar system's star is north to that galactical location Polaris and Southern Cross are just balance points the solar system spirals at the same time planets rotate, and revolve around the star in fixed locations all the time here.
Kinetic perpetual balancing between periodic element details and DNA chromosome results present. Potential differences of opinions sharing time mutually inhabiting space since personal conception added each result into specific ancestral lineages and generation gaps present.
Evolving produces evolution completed so far with or without any individual, any generation gap, any ancestral lineage, any species native to the locations unique food chain reaction taking place now.
Periodic fate of elements combined, and destiny of any ancestor replacing its previous 4 generation gaps so far. Equality has always existed in plain sig