THERE'S AN ISLAND SOMEWHERE FOR ALL THESE DEMENTED FRUITCAKESPhiloBeddo » 17 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ They voted for her, **** EM. Feds should not give them a dime
Trump cannot stop the ROT of the West.
Candace Owens is a load of shyt in a toilet.*GHETTOBLASTER » 10 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
and Candace Owens chimed in with some inconvenient truth about the [[[JWO]]] when she said,....
"The Epstein and JFK files will never be revealed because the powerful figures involved still control America.
She argues that any time Israel is implicated in something, the truth is buried."
You stand in solidarity with the [[[JWO]]] on every issue.
*GHETTOBLASTER » 30 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ You stand in solidarity with the [[[JWO]]] on every issue.
You stand with every one of their deliberately engineered, White Christian Society debasing social trends.
Thanks to their vast mass media empire they have gained full control of your mind.
You don't have enough situational awareness to realize this.
You stand in solidarity with the [[[JWO]]] on every issue.JohnnyYou » 20 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ So I have to submit to your brand of brainwashing because your situational awareness is the greatest thing since sliced bread? Dude, your brand of knowledge has killed billions of people. Your common sense is a serial killer.
I understand your dilemna. when you want to breed the best cockroach of the human virus it's a tough road. But I think if we made the Centralized National Knowledge Center for Cockroaches then all of them may be upgraded to a fortune cookie that reads "You won't have to worry about Christian White Nationalists"
The best thing that ever happened to Candace Owens was getting free*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 3:33 am » wrote: ↑ This is what MAGA is up against....[click to enlarge]
and Candace Owens chimed in with some inconvenient truth about the [[[JWO]]] when she said,....
"The Epstein and JFK files will never be revealed because the powerful figures involved still control America.
She argues that any time Israel is implicated in something, the truth is buried."
[[[Ben Shapiro]]] I know very little about mainly because I can't stand to listen to him for more than 10 seconds before switching him off......Sumela » Today, 11:59 am » wrote: ↑ The best thing that ever happened to Candace Owens was getting free
from Lil Rat Face *** Ben ****.
The only rotten smell I'm aware of is coming from your infected lying ****! Please, get hit by a car today!
Main is a great state. Its only problem is its people - most of whom are drug addicts and elitist bastards who tell a good tale. Maine's governor is merely a reflection of the people who elected her. No offense to Cyndi - she couldn't single-handedly defeat the creators of blood-sucking vampires, bullied girl-bleeders and clown pedophiles.
Macron is threatening a lawsuit against her for reporting*GHETTOBLASTER » 57 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ [[[Ben Shapiro]]] I know very little about mainly because I can't stand to listen to him for more than 10 seconds before switching him off......![]()
Good for Candace Owens to break ranks with the Black Majority [[[JWO PETS]]] and have the courage to speak out against the [[[JWO]]].....