Move there you sorry cocksucker and then choke to death, you useless traitor bastard! Fry!Sumela » Today, 11:00 am » wrote: ↑Unstoppable China is simply GLORIOUS...
Move there ya chink cock sucker.Sumela » Today, 3:17 pm » wrote: ↑ ""China is 2 decades ahead of the USA in most areas""
--Barry McCokiner
All I know is China's economy is in a $hithole... Real Estate has collapsed, and is bankrupt because they over promised and never delivered millions of houses they already had mortgages for, and NO ONE TRUSTS the Government any more... because everyone knows the Government permitted it ! Add to that, America pulling out of many industries there, and the people have decided to let the entire cabal ROT...
I so LOVE how HATE owns you.ConservativeWave » 16 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ All I know is China's economy is in a $hithole... Real Estate has collapsed, and is bankrupt because they over promised and never delivered millions of houses they already had mortgages for, and NO ONE TRUSTS the Government any more... because everyone knows the Government permitted it to happen ! Add to that, America pulling out of many industries there, and the people have HAD ENOUGH... and decided to let the whole cabal ROT...