Here's a song list that I think would work well at Harvard:*GHETTOBLASTER » 11 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Harvard is promoting Caucasian Race Hate
Trump should defund Harvard and perhaps track down the authors of these books and charge them with HATE SPEECH.
Imagine seeing a book in a public school library titled "Treason To Blackness Is Loyalty To Humanity...?
You're diving right into the deep end of the woke, progressive pool here.....remember not too long ago the President of Harvard was forced to step down for plagiarism into a lesser role at the school.....though her $900,000.00 a year salary remained intact.*GHETTOBLASTER » 16 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Harvard is promoting Caucasian Race Hate
Trump should defund Harvard and perhaps track down the authors of these books and charge them with HATE SPEECH.
Imagine seeing a book in a public school library titled "Treason To Blackness Is Loyalty To Humanity...?
*GHETTOBLASTER » 21 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Harvard is promoting Caucasian Race Hate
Trump should defund Harvard and perhaps track down the authors of these books and charge them with HATE SPEECH.
Imagine seeing a book in a public school library titled "Treason To Blackness Is Loyalty To Humanity...?
*GHETTOBLASTER » 26 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Harvard is promoting Caucasian Race Hate
Trump should defund Harvard and perhaps track down the authors of these books and charge them with HATE SPEECH.
Imagine seeing a book in a public school library titled "Treason To Blackness Is Loyalty To Humanity...?
The school or the books.....Sparky?Mrkelly » 7 minutes ago » wrote: ↑Your list is from “the Harvard book store”
and you want our government to “defund” them for the books they sell?
why not just burn um?
can you make that make sense?
Just using your words.....are you recanting?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Mrkelly » 18 minutes ago » wrote: ↑Your list is from “the Harvard book store”
and you want our government to “defund” them for the books they sell?
why not just burn um?
I understood him. I must either have a really really high IQ, or...............................................
or … you speak stupidSkans » 31 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I understood him. I must either have a really really high IQ, or...............................................
PS: I don't have a really really high IQ.
Skans » 31 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I understood him. I must either have a really really high IQ, or...............................................
PS: I don't have a really really high IQ.
^^^^^^^DOUBLE STANDARD LOVING HYPOCRITE ^^^^^^^^Mrkelly » 48 minutes ago » wrote: ↑Your list is from “the Harvard book store”
and you want our government to “defund” them for the books they sell?
why not just burn um?
Yes Sirrrreee...!Skans » 39 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,
Harvard is a private college with a huge tax-payer subsidsed endowment - - - - - - HOW ABOUT WE DEFUND THEM BECAUSE THEY ...........ARE..........PRIVATE.
If we are going to publicly fund Harvard, then it should be renamed Robert E. Lee University and accept applications only from American Citizens on a first come, first serve basis.
You people have been working 24 / 7 to criminalize HATE SPEECH and have spent millions of tax payer dollars to cancel all forms of racism from our public institutions.Mrkelly » Today, 4:47 pm » wrote: ↑Your list is from “the Harvard book store”
and you want our government to “defund” them for the books they sell?
why not just burn um?
*GHETTOBLASTER » 39 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ You people have been working 24 / 7 to criminalize HATE SPEECH and have spent millions of tax payer dollars to cancel all forms of racism from our public institutions.
Now that I've turned the tables on are crying about it like a double standard loving ****** bitch.
No surprise there
I live in the real world where Blacks and Whites are being taught in our public schools that the reason why Blacks lag behind the rest of Humanity is NOT because they are less intelligent but because of EVIL WHITE PEOPLEMrkelly » Today, 6:26 pm » wrote: ↑you people
turned the tables
you are all for the government to decide what books can be SOLD
by defending the governments right to punish people that SELL books that goes against their wishes
Shows that you haven’t turned a table
It shows that you sit on the same side of the table as the dear leader and the gang
There is alot of that going around