This will, like the Stacy Abrams crap, turn out to be complete ****.*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 1:35 am » wrote: ↑ Nice catch by the New York Post...! ... charities/
$375B EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions to charities founded only months earlier
"The Biden administration funneled at least $20 billion dollars into environmental groups, most of which had only recently been founded, The Post has discovered.In one case, former Vice President Kamala Harris handed over a check for nearly $7 billion to Bethesda, Maryland, based group Climate United Fund, which does not appear in the IRS’s charities database, and has no federal filings."
Where's this 375 billion dollar "slush fund"?*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 1:35 am » wrote: ↑ Nice catch by the New York Post...! ... charities/
$375B EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions to charities founded only months earlier
"The Biden administration funneled at least $20 billion dollars into environmental groups, most of which had only recently been founded, The Post has discovered.In one case, former Vice President Kamala Harris handed over a check for nearly $7 billion to Bethesda, Maryland, based group Climate United Fund, which does not appear in the IRS’s charities database, and has no federal filings."
What difference does it make how much someone steals?Blackvegetable » 7 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Where's this 375 billion dollar "slush fund"?
What part of the total federal budget is 375 billion?
Hey Rube,*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 1:35 am » wrote: ↑ Nice catch by the New York Post...! ... charities/
$375B EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions to charities founded only months earlier
"The Biden administration funneled at least $20 billion dollars into environmental groups, most of which had only recently been founded, The Post has discovered.In one case, former Vice President Kamala Harris handed over a check for nearly $7 billion to Bethesda, Maryland, based group Climate United Fund, which does not appear in the IRS’s charities database, and has no federal filings." » 10 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ What difference does it make how much someone steals?
A better question would be, "How much did the Biden Crime Syndicate gain from it?"
FOR YEARS we wondered where the Democrat Party was getting all the money they were throwing at elections, at candidates for election, and their BRAIN DEAD policies and ideas... like $1.5 billion for a Kamala Harris election bid... while Republicans were making due with a FRACTION of that... WE THOUGHT that it was the BILLIONAIRE donors... BUT, more likely... it was money funneled from the America Taxpayers, into the Deep State Bureaucrats, who then diverted it to THOUSANDS of HAND PICKED Democrat charities, organizations, and causes... MANY of which had NO HISTORY, NO RECORD, and NO PROOF of being HONEST, OR LEGITIMATE... but who MINDLESSLY promoted BRAIN DEAD Democrat issues, and than funneled $$BILLIONS$$ back into Democrat election campaigns, Candidates, and "get out the fake Vote" efforts !!*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 1:35 am » wrote: ↑ Nice catch by the New York Post...! ... charities/
$375B EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions to charities founded only months earlier
"The Biden administration funneled at least $20 billion dollars into environmental groups, most of which had only recently been founded, The Post has discovered.In one case, former Vice President Kamala Harris handed over a check for nearly $7 billion to Bethesda, Maryland, based group Climate United Fund, which does not appear in the IRS’s charities database, and has no federal filings."
In 2022, President Joe Biden named Podesta to helm the climate fund, which resulted from the Inflation Reduction Act, a 2022 law that was aimed at combatting climate change and creating clean energy.Blackvegetable » 27 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Where's this 375 billion dollar "slush fund"?
What part of the total federal budget is 375 billion?
Too stupid.*Beekeeper » 25 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ In 2022, President Joe Biden named Podesta to helm the climate fund, which resulted from the Inflation Reduction Act, a 2022 law that was aimed at combatting climate change and creating clean energy.
THERE'S where it came from Captain DICKSUCK!! MORE from the Biden "Inflation Reduction Act" which should be renamed the BIDEN GRAFT AND GRIFT ACT!!
Now, TRY READING **** before you post your incessant WHINING ****!!
Even if the number turns out to be a fraction of what is being obviously support this sort of corruption as long as your people are the ones doing the theft..Blackvegetable » Today, 7:11 am » wrote: ↑ Hey Rube,
What is the annual budget of the EPA?
So **** g'ddammned stupid
This is why you are a sucking head wound of credulity...*GHETTOBLASTER » 17 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Even if the number turns out to be a fraction of what is being obviously support this sort of corruption as long as your people are the ones doing the theft..
@ROG62*Beekeeper » 4 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Hey, Dr. DIKSUKM, it's NOT OUR SIDE that only can muster a 21% Approval rating.
That has to really suck for you, huh?
Thanks for reporting this. I've always said that the Podesta brothers, and their father, Johnny are the real-deal Mafia. Corrupt as can be. Tell me this guy isn't Italian Mafia....*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 1:35 am » wrote: ↑ Nice catch by the New York Post...! ... charities/
$375B EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions to charities founded only months earlier
"The Biden administration funneled at least $20 billion dollars into environmental groups, most of which had only recently been founded, The Post has discovered.In one case, former Vice President Kamala Harris handed over a check for nearly $7 billion to Bethesda, Maryland, based group Climate United Fund, which does not appear in the IRS’s charities database, and has no federal filings."
A GOOMBA BOYSkans » 6 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Thanks for reporting this. I've always said that the Podesta brothers, and their father, Johnny are the real-deal Mafia. Corrupt as can be. Tell me this guy isn't Italian Mafia....
Blackvegetable » Today, 7:00 am » wrote: ↑ This will, like the Stacy Abrams crap, turn out to be complete ****.
That's Papà Podesta. Little Johnny and Antonio's father. Is he a "made man"? I think everyone in the Podesta family is a made man. These are the guys the Clintons turn to when they needed someone to "disappear".
Good point..!Skans » 3 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ That's Papà Podesta. Little Johnny and Antonio's father. Is he a "made man"? I think everyone in the Podesta family is a made man. These are the guys the Clintons turn to when they needed someone to "disappear".