This made me laugh part 11

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Yesterday 6:04 am
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Here’s a chain of commentary (with my reply at the end)

User A:
I think we've finally reached the point to where if you don't have a ton of money/wealth already you're basically left with buying lottery tickets or getting smashed into by a semi [hopefully not getting killed in the process to collect insurance payment]. Generating real wealth isn't getting any easier for most people from the bottom up. Just working an average job and saving these days isn't like it used to be. 
User B:
The step function has made that obvious to anyone with the huge number of people scrambling to take a piece of the pie (bread crumbs only left)
 But the hard truth is that, depending on your circumstances, this has been true since 2008.
User C:
You have to take risk to generate wealth. Should have bought Bitcoin and Mag 7 10 years ago.
User D:
gambling isn't "generating wealth" 
User E: 
It's just a wealth transfer ; no wealth is created.
Well then, you’d better be on the right side of that wealth “transfer” (theft, Ponzi, whatever you want to call it) right?

Better to take than to give XD
:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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Yesterday 9:07 am
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LowIQTrash » Today, 6:04 am » wrote: Here’s a chain of commentary (with my reply at the end)

User A:

User B:

User C:

User D:

User E: 


@Fuelman would also laugh reading this script

Image   Image   Image
Honestly? I don't think he's FAFF...
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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Yesterday 12:17 pm
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LowIQTrash » Today, 6:04 am » wrote: Here’s a chain of commentary (with my reply at the end)

User A:

User B:

User C:

User D:

User E: 


@Fuelman would also laugh reading this script

Image   Image   Image
Seems this conversation is happening quite frequently and there is plenty of truth in those statements.

It's not as funny as it used to be. My younger conservative self would have been promoting a second or third job for the lazy **** struggling while we had a $150k+ income. Hell, people struggle with that income today with the prices today.

I'm just glad I don't have to do it all over again cause in that scenario I might not carry the "lucky ****" banner!

I'd probably end up here:

I Worked Hard My Entire Life — Now I'm 70 And Broke. Something Has To Change In This Country.

Read "I Worked Hard My Entire Life — Now I’m 70 And Broke. Something Has To Change In This Country." on SmartNews:

It looks like I won’t be participating in what is being called the largest generational transfer of wealth in U.S. history. Younger generations are estimated to inherit more than $27 trillion within the next 20 years. None of it, unfortunately, will be coming from me.

I don’t own a house. My IRA is long gone. The only thing my kids are likely to inherit right now is a pretty good object lesson in what not to do financially. It’s not that I didn’t know about preparing for retirement. I’m an advertising copywriter. For years I reminded customers that a 65-year-old ending a work career will need over $1 million to maintain a modest $50,000-a-year lifestyle for the next 20 years. But life happens. Houses get lost in divorces. Investments falter. And the workflow you’ve taken for granted for 40 years suddenly falls off a cliff and takes you along with it.
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Yesterday 1:17 pm
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ROG62 » Today, 9:07 am » wrote: Honestly? I don't think he's GAFF...
I care a little bit but have zero power to do anything about it.
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Yesterday 2:24 pm
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Fuelman » Today, 12:17 pm » wrote: Seems this conversation is happening quite frequently and there is plenty of truth in those statements.

It's not as funny as it used to be. My younger conservative self would have been promoting a second or third job for the lazy **** struggling while we had a $150k+ income. Hell, people struggle with that income today with the prices today.

I'm just glad I don't have to do it all over again cause in that scenario I might not carry the "lucky ****" banner!

I'd probably end up here:

I Worked Hard My Entire Life — Now I'm 70 And Broke. Something Has To Change In This Country.

Read "I Worked Hard My Entire Life — Now I’m 70 And Broke. Something Has To Change In This Country." on SmartNews:

It looks like I won’t be participating in what is being called the largest generational transfer of wealth in U.S. history. Younger generations are estimated to inherit more than $27 trillion within the next 20 years. None of it, unfortunately, will be coming from me.

I don’t own a house. My IRA is long gone. The only thing my kids are likely to inherit right now is a pretty good object lesson in what not to do financially. It’s not that I didn’t know about preparing for retirement. I’m an advertising copywriter. For years I reminded customers that a 65-year-old ending a work career will need over $1 million to maintain a modest $50,000-a-year lifestyle for the next 20 years. But life happens. Houses get lost in divorces. Investments falter. And the workflow you’ve taken for granted for 40 years suddenly falls off a cliff and takes you along with it.
Why don't you find it amusing?

Fact is very little "wealth" is being created today, at least here in the states (maybe there is wealth being created in Vietnam LOL) but there is certainly a lot of wealth "extraction" going on

You just have to position yourself to be a recipient in the "extraction" process.

I find it extremely amusing TBH
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