THE PATHOLOGICAL LIAR....Frumpy Von Frumpolous.

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By Sumela
Yesterday 1:20 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 1:20 pm
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Frumpyton is PERFECT for WASH DC....a compulsive, pathological liar.  These people forget
what they say from one day to the next.  Lying is like a drug to them. 
And cuckies LOVE the emotional ride of Frumperism.

2 weeks ago Frumper was vomiting from his mouth about cutting defense by 50%Image.
Most knew it was just Frumpous vomit.

Now he confirms he was lying.  Circle taking Frumpist! 24 Hour F-Trumpy? :rofl:
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Yesterday 4:14 pm
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Trumpous love to keep the cucklings guessing....
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Yesterday 4:15 pm
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Sumela » Today, 1:20 pm » wrote: Frumpyton is PERFECT for WASH DC....a compulsive, pathological liar.  These people forget
what they say from one day to the next.  Lying is like a drug to them. 
And cuckies LOVE the emotional ride of Frumperism.

2 weeks ago Frumper was vomiting from his mouth about cutting defense by 50%Image.
Most knew it was just Frumpous vomit.

Now he confirms he was lying.  Circle taking Frumpist! 24 Hour F-Trumpy? Image
WHAT Lied has Trump ever told?   ENUMERATE them !!

-  That he was going to drain the Washington swamp?  NOPE, he's doing that !

-  That he's going to close the border?  Nope, not THAT one !

-  That he's going to bring jobs BACK to America?  Well, he JUST convinced Taiwan Semiconductor, Apple and a couple other HUGE international companies to spend $1.5 Trillion to build plants IN AMERICA, and avoid the tariffs... SO, NO, NOT that one !

-  HOW about Drill baby Drill, and making america energy independent again... It's in progress... so NO, NOT that one either !

SO, JUST EXACTLY WHAT did Donald trump LIE about ?

-  CLOSING the DOE... NO !

-  CUTTING the deficit, debt, and getting America BACK on the path to fiscal responsibility?  NO !

SO, JUST EXACTLY WHAT did Donald trump LIE about ? ...DIP WAD?

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