The Overthrow of Democracy in Ukraine

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Yesterday 9:16 pm
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This is the full tape of the infamous "**** the EU" conversation, wherein US operatives planned the Madan Coup that overthrew Ukraine's democracy and installed a puppet government in order to use it as a proxy against Russia.

Notice that US operatives chose which of its assets in Ukraine would lead the government, and which would sit it out.
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Top Singaporean diplomat argues that EU should consider leaving NATO.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

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Want to correct human corruption yet? Rhetorical question by the way. I already understand what you protect until extinction arrives. Reasonable doubt.
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Today 5:52 am
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Time to quit bitchin' and stop the war...stop the killing on both sides

There's only two sides....

1. leaders who aren't dying

2. the people who are dying by the hundred thousands

Shoot the leaders and it all stops.......

So which side are you on...

the leaders or the people's?
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Today 6:07 am
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nefarious101 » 16 minutes ago » wrote: Time to quit bitchin' and stop the war...stop the killing on both sides

There's only two sides....

1. leaders who aren't dying

2. the people who are dying by the hundred thousands

Shoot the leaders and it all stops.......

So which side are you on...

the leaders or the people's?
Chain of command works two ways, what are they? Inside out and outside in promising better days tomorrow limited to only adapting to the moment this rotation each time the planet rotates so far and still alive conceived to decomposed.
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Today 6:31 am
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Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 9:16 pm » wrote: This is the full tape of the infamous "**** the EU" conversation, wherein US operatives planned the Madan Coup that overthrew Ukraine's democracy and installed a puppet government in order to use it as a proxy against Russia.

Notice that US operatives chose which of its assets in Ukraine would lead the government, and which would sit it out.

So what you're saying is that Biden's entire CORRUPTOCRAT administration was ALL ABOUT MORE WAR!!

See, this is easy.
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Today 8:49 am
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*Beekeeper » Today, 6:31 am » wrote: So what you're saying is that Biden's entire CORRUPTOCRAT administration was ALL ABOUT MORE WAR!!

See, this is easy.
That tape is from 2014 - the Obama administration. The intention was to provoke Russia, by overthrowing his friendly neighbor's government and planting a coup government that was anti-Russian - all while ramping up the rhetoric that NATO membership (and a weaponized border) was on the table. This would constitute an existential threat to Russia - much as the Cuban Missile Crisis constituted an existential threat to the United States. 

The same response that Kennedy took was predictable - an immediate military response. Russia immediately rolled into Crimea, to protect its Black Sea naval base from the unfriendly and illegal coup government planted by Nuland and the Ukrainian Ambassador. This is history - not an opinion. Any adult can listen to the tape and objectively verify. 

It's important to note that Trump continued the provocations against Russia. He armed Zelenski with offensive weapons and he brutally sanctioned Russia. He made no effort whatsoever to address Russia's existential concerns. Instead, he ratcheted up the tensions by continuing to increase sanctions on Russia and funding/arming Ukraine's illegal coup government. It's also important to understand that Ukraine's Constitution expressly prohibits joining any military alliance, east or west. Ukraine's perpetual and Constitutionally mandated neutrality was the guarantor of perpetual peace between Russia and Western Europe, since both powers guaranteed Ukraine's borders based on the agreement resulting in the return of Russia's nuclear weapons. It was a critical aspect of Europe's AND Russia's security architecture, and the overthrow of that government was a provocation intended to push Russia into a proxy war with Ukraine's illegal government.

NOW - with Russia having prevailed against all odds and overcome NATO's weaponry and sanctions and acts of espionage against the Russian State, - Trump is forced by circumstance, not by any morality or sense of justice, to respect Putin's position. Zelenski and Ukraine have become an embarrassment - a failed proxy. As Trump has pointed out repeatedly, Ukraine has no cards. Putin holds all the cards between Russia and Ukraine - ALL the cards. And any cards that Trump holds - there are many that I know of and likely more that I do not - will be played based on AMERICA'S interests, not Ukraine's. So they're ****. They're Kurds. They were never allies. They were proxies. The most generous argument is that they were clients. But they weren't. They were hapless proxies. 

Again, these are not opinions. These are the facts in front of your face. But you might be too propagandized to employ manly judgment and simply see what is in front of your eyes. 

Understanding his world is the work of a man. Letting other people create narratives for his consumption is the work of a not man. Most of what filters down to the public originates in "think tanks," which are paid by corporations like Blackrock to create narratives for public consumption. They have no other product than narratives. These narratives are filtered down through the media, and each "side" of the political spectrum has favored media that promulgate narratives originating in think tanks.
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Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

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Today 9:34 am
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nefarious101 » Today, 5:52 am » wrote: Time to quit bitchin' and stop the war...stop the killing on both sides

There's only two sides....

1. leaders who aren't dying

2. the people who are dying by the hundred thousands

Shoot the leaders and it all stops.......

So which side are you on...

the leaders or the people's?
I am on the side of peace, obviously. But your thesis is false. There are more than two sides. 

There are leftist trannies who want peace between Ukraine and Russia. I don't think you are in their camp. But they have a camp. There are leftist trannies who want to continue the war perpetually. You're not in THEIR camp, either.

There are right wingers who want to keep the war going. You're not in their camp. There are centrists like myself who want the war to end - and you're not in my camp, either. 

This thread is not ABOUT whether we should end or continue the war, so, your oversimplification is a deflection. It is not agreement or disagreement, but a nutless deflection. 

Stopping the war without addressing the root causes is not stopping it at all - just pausing it. You are clearly for PAUSING the war. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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Today 9:40 am
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Cannonpointer » 10 minutes ago » wrote: I am on the side of peace, obviously. But your thesis is false. There are more than two sides. 

There are leftist trannies who want peace between Ukraine and Russia. I don't think you are in their camp. But they have a camp. There are leftist trannies who want to continue the war perpetually. You're not in THEIR camp, either.

There are right wingers who want to keep the war going. You're not in their camp. There are centrists like myself who want the war to end - and you're not in my camp, either. 

This thread is not ABOUT whether we should end or continue the war, so, your oversimplification is a deflection. It is not agreement or disagreement, but a nutless deflection. 

Stopping the war without addressing the root causes is not stopping it at all - just pausing it. You are clearly for PAUSING the war.

Sure Karen...

Spew your're a war monger now? 

You support killing 100,000's of men, women and children?....just as long as you get what you want?'s fine right?

Tell me how stopping the war and stopping killing people is a bad idea....can't wait for that

I AM Karen...Bringer of war and long as it's not mine

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Today 10:40 am
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nefarious101 » Today, 9:40 am » wrote:
Cannonpointer » Today, 9:34 am » wrote: I am on the side of peace, obviously. ... There are centrists like myself who want the war to end...
Sure Karen...

Spew your're a war monger now? 

You support killing 100,000's of men, women and children?...
Like I said, coward. You're not here to address the issue of the thread, but to distract from it.

If you have a manly bone in your body, it belongs to the guy who put it in ya.

The issue of this thread is what caused the war - because stopping the war without addressing its cause is a mere pause in the conflict. See the Korean DMZ, fruitcake. That is what we DON'T want. And you're not included in the "we," distraction-lad.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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