WORLD Elites are trying to DEGRADE America (i.e. "No Longer a SUPER-Power)... for NOT being the worlds PATSY any longer

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Yesterday 12:17 pm
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It's funny... that when America was the WORLDS police force, racking up $37 Trillion in debt, and dolling out $$BILLIONS$$ across the world for things that DID NOT serve America's interests... THEN, we were a SUPER Power, and the WORLD knelt at our door? 


1)  Trump has DEMANDED that NATO needs to take on more responsibility for the defense of Europe...

2)  Announced that If they want the war to continue... THEY need to fund it...

3)  THAT we will not subsidize economies around the WORLD, and if they TARIFF American products, and protect their own... Trump has announced "RECIPROCAL" tariff policy, if they KEEP unfair tariffs against America in place...

4)  That $$Billions$$ of RIDICULOUS grants around the world will end... and

5)  THAT WARS are not in Americas best interests, and is trying to be a Peace broker... NOT, the benefit of RUSSIA, but for the bebefit of Russia, Europe, Ukraine, and the WORLD...

NOW, the WORLD has taken to calling Donald trump and America... as Russia's patsy, WEAK, and a TURN COAT... when if WW3 erupts because of the aggressive stance of the WAR MONGERING elites... COULD it be that THEY will try to spin THAT as Donald Trumps fault also?

I think it's important to END the war... for America to get it economic HOUSE back in order, for Democratic Europe NATO and the far East to evolve, and stand on their OWN 2 feet, for Russia to be stopped in Ukraine... and given time to lick their wounds and THINK about what they almost did, and for BOTH Russia and China to think about the FACT that... EVERY TIME they turn Totalitarian and try to expand and conquer the MORE territory... THEIR WORLD just keeps getting smaller !  ...and MAYBE they would do better JOINING the Free World, than fighting it !

Of COURSE, the "New World Order", Bilderberg society, RICH elites... have their OWN idea of what "good" is... and you can bet it's MORE GOOD for them... than for US!!
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Today 10:39 am
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BUT NOT without a fight...

1)  The Democrats will do everything they can to protect their CORRUPTION and POWER!

2)  Our "Friends" (nations) will do everything they can to CONTINUE getting RICH off of us ! ...and,

3)  Our Adversaries will do everything to SUBVERT and DETHRONE us !

WE are and will continue to be in a FIGHT... and we should get USED to the idea, and the idea of FIGHTING BACK however, and whenever it is required !!

Right now, we have to REMOVE Corruot Democrats and Republicans from positions of power, CONTROL our "friends" and do what's best for "US", and the "U.S.A.", and STAY AHEAD of the China's, Russia's, Iran's, and PRNK's of the world...

Because without America, the WORLD would be a MUCH worse place to live !!
Buck Naked
Today 10:44 am
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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ConservativeWave » 8 minutes ago » wrote: BUT NOT without a fight...

1)  The Democrats will do everything they can to protect their CORRUPTION and POWER!

2)  Our "Friends" (nations) will do everything they can to CONTINUE getting RICH off of us ! ...and,

3)  Our Adversaries will do everything to SUBVERT and DETHRONE us !

WE are and will continue to be in a FIGHT... and we should get USED to the idea, and the idea of FIGHTING BACK however, and whenever it is required !!

Right now, we have to REMOVE Corruot Democrats and Republicans from positions of power, CONTROL our "friends" and do what's best for "US", and the "U.S.A.", and STAY AHEAD of the China's, Russia's, Iran's, and PRNK's of the world...

Because without America, the WORLD would be a MUCH worse place to live !!
Why is Barry getting paid from Obamacare funds?
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BuckNaked » Today, 10:44 am » wrote: Why is Barry getting paid from Obamacare funds?
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