Feckless Tampon Timmy...

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By ROG62
Yesterday 4:46 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 4:46 pm
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Capitol Watch: Spending, not Trump, causing MN budget problems...

There were some whopper messages at the capitol this week reacting to the new budget forecast. The state budget office announced Thursday that the deficit in the 2028-29 biennium will grow from $5.1 billion to almost $6 billion. There will be less money available in the 2026-27 biennium as well. Predictably, Gov. Tim Walz and Democratic leaders blamed the increase in the deficit on Donald Trump, with Walz declaring, “There is a storm at the federal level, and that storm is Donald Trump. That’s the thing that’s changed between November and today’s numbers.” Give me a break! Nothing Trump has done in his first month in office is affecting the Minnesota state budget.

 The Republican message of “Democrats turned a $17 billion surplus into a $6 billion deficit” is more on point but frankly a little stale. Perhaps that simple message is enough for political communications, but we have higher expectations here at Minnesota’s Think Tank.

Yes, Democrats and Gov. Walz squandered a $17 billion surplus in 2023. Yes, they also raised taxes an additional $9 billion. But the economists at Center of the American Experiment have been warning us for years to look beyond those talking points to see the real problem is structural and ongoing. Minnesota is spending more money than we are taking in each year.

 https://www.americanexperiment.org/cpai ... -problems/

In other news, Tampon Tim activates MN National Guard after snowstorm...2 places got 12"... Image   Image   Image  

“Minnesota is no stranger to winter weather, but conditions can quickly become unpredictable and dangerous,” said Governor Walz. “As we work to alleviate the dangerous road conditions, the National Guard is stepping up to provide life-saving support.”

https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press- ... ?id=671422

yet he looked the other way when rioters torched Minneapolis in 2020...feckless ****...
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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Yesterday 5:14 pm
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Pedophile-Progressives "poisoned pilled" everything they have touched....including education and our children.

They should be shunned from our society completely for what they have done and what they were intending to do

They gave no mercy and they deserve no mercy
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Yesterday 5:50 pm
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Timmy only got to be governor because he pulled a few strings.
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