Im "Afraid" Sexual Harrasment

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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 1:40 am
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I cant tell ya how many times at work picnic or whatever in the breakroom my buddies all like she was allover ya why didnt ya go 4 it..

First off ya were there as a "Witness"...

Secondly a Piece of @$$ aint worth myJOB
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 1:47 am
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Last time I talked sweet 2 a Lady at work she was "Married" had 3 kids but never told me that until I asked her out for dinner.

This one Im gonna leave it alone.

I done nothing they can "Fire" Me 4 "Legitimately" or I know attorney "File" & sue em..

Gonna play the "Worker" just doimg my Job & mind my own buisness here
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 1:55 am
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Trick is with "Suing" people find out what they really got.

Your Attorney gonna take 1/3 upwards of half.

Unless its millions of dollars think more like half tie em up in Court Room
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:07 am
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A "Better" way just "Forget" those kinda feelings 4 Women.

As I get "Older" I cant get it up like I used too..

My last marriage & Date she more "Used" me because I hadda Job "Health Insurance" wanted "Marry Me" get on my Insurance.

But the "Love" wasnt there I took her back home to Racine
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:10 am
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I dunno I "Liked" her but not in the way we get "Married" split my assets she had "Nothing" and my Work Insurance Policy.

I aint been on a DATE In 2/3 years now last time I had "Any"
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Johnny You
Yesterday 2:13 am
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If RFK tells me life is made out of  dirt and it's the healthiest food substance on the planet, I ain't buying it.

I gotta go move the refrigeration..  Money for Nothing, I wish I got tips for free.
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:13 am
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It was really just the "Push" thats where I went on a tear too.

She didnt really love me..

I was a place 2 crash & **** me all I was
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:20 am
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JohnnyYou » 8 minutes ago » wrote: If RFK tells me life is made out of  dirt and it's the healthiest food substance on the planet, I ain't buying it.

I gotta go move the refrigeration..  Money for Nothing, I wish I got tips for free.
I dont put my stock in "People" anymore

Do try "Pray" 2 God everyday

Sometimes I drink or get high forget pray 2 God & he Reminds me too
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Johnny You
Yesterday 2:25 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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TwoIfByTea » 12 minutes ago » wrote: It was really just the "Push" thats where I went on a tear too.

She didnt really love me..

I was a place 2 crash & **** me all I was

Hey Man, hang in there. You are not the only one on  the  Trumpway to Hell.

No man is an Island. But when relationships go bad it can feel like you are on a life preserver on the Black See.
I wish I could help.  But I am treading the dirty RFK water like everyone else.

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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:27 am
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Allotta times I take the wheel into my own hands drive the whole thingy off a ditch like my Ex & my Son.

Ive made threads about that too..

But had I been a " Real Man" I would still have a Wife & Son.

I was nothing but a "Tornado" in their lives.

Looking back Id been better just walk away
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:33 am
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I dint understand the "Simple Graces" we just hated eachother but somehow got "Married" 10/12 years..

She brought our kid 2 me said I cant "Handle" him anymore ya take him Ill sign off the Attorney.

I tried be a "Dad" set some Boundries this my house "The Rules"

He started popping Pills.

I spent $5 grand a lawyer his First Arrest just "Time Served" County Lock-Up and "Probation" No State Prison

Was no 2nd Time he over-dosed been dead about 5 years now

We had him "Creamated" split the Ashes with his Momma
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:42 am
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When my son "Overdosed" I hadda breakdown..

Even all that his Momma came over to my house & I thought she Hated my guts..

We got thru that on speaking terms..

I wish we coulda been that "close" back in the day..

But I dont hate her that way
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Yesterday 5:34 am
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TwoIfByTea » Today, 2:07 am » wrote: A "Better" way just "Forget" those kinda feelings 4 Women.

As I get "Older" I cant get it up like I used too..

My last marriage & Date she more "Used" me because I hadda Job "Health Insurance" wanted "Marry Me" get on my Insurance.

But the "Love" wasnt there I took her back home to Racine
Some real good advice here...  Image
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Yesterday 5:37 am
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Damn this place draws **** nutcases from all over.
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Yesterday 5:57 am
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TwoIfByTea » Today, 2:07 am » wrote: A "Better" way just "Forget" those kinda feelings 4 Women.

As I get "Older" I cant get it up like I used too..

My last marriage & Date she more "Used" me because I hadda Job "Health Insurance" wanted "Marry Me" get on my Insurance.

But the "Love" wasnt there I took her back home to Racine
Racine W Va no doubt.
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Yesterday 6:42 am
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TwoIfByTea » Today, 1:40 am » wrote: I cant tell ya how many times at work picnic or whatever in the breakroom my buddies all like she was allover ya why didnt ya go 4 it..

First off ya were there as a "Witness"...

Secondly a Piece of @$$ aint worth myJOB

Best way to handle that is to explain that you are an "extreme sadist" and you get your nut from the suffering of others  

Tell her you don't **** anything you don't own and she would have to be able to get along in the sack with the other bitches in your stable

If she says yes and she wants some of that moment you will know whether she's worth losing your job over.
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