Cry me a River.ConservativeWave » 31 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ 1. Maxine Waters accuses Donald Trump of wanting a civil war, as 100's of Democrat activists invade Trump Tower, TORCH Tesla charging stations, and SHOOT UP Tesla dealerships !! SOOO... WHO is instigating a civil war?
2. Chuck Shumer FIRST wants to shut DOWN the government to STOP Trump... THEN does 180 degree turn and says HE'S NOT going to shut down the Government... because it migh HELP Trump... UMMMM... Trump would have won EITHER WAY !!
3) Democrats REFUSE to acknowledge mothers whose children were KILLED by illegals, the CRIME that illegals have brought to American streets, OR a 12 year old brain cancer survivor who wants to become a policeman ! AND THEY, have the GALL to say THEY support Americans better than Donald Trump ?
4) SUPPORT Terrorists fomenting Violence in America !
5) REFUSE to acknowledge the WASTE, FRAUD and ABUSE of Taxpayer money that THEY have spent on COUNTLESS ILLEGAL, FRAUDULENT, and ANTI American policies?
6) TRY to TELL American that the Joe Biden economy was GREAT... with a $37 Billion debt, Interest payments on the national debt that exceed the Multi BILLION dollar Military budget, all while trying to HIDE BILLIONS of PROVEN Waste, Fraud and Abuse... and BILLIONS of $$$ sent to FOREIGN countries, for things that the American people WOULD NEVER support !!
ALL this and MORE... is NOT in America's interests... and is NOT in Americans interests... AND CERTAINLY do NOT indicate that the Democrat Party is in good shape...
THEY have ONE FOOT on a banana peel... and the OTHER DEPENDENT on the unwavering "support" of the American People... HA!! I THINK DEMOCRATS are in a WORLD of HURT !!
b-Bye... Democrats !!
They are a one trick pony..."whatever Trump is for, they're against it..."TwoIfByTea » 2 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Democrats need lose the "Agenda" garbage.
Get back to The Midwest & regular working kinda paycheck folks
ROG62 » 5 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ They are a one trick pony..."whatever Trump is for, they're against it..."
Im not gonna be "Racist" like that.PhiloBeddo » 20 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Every Black Dem congressman has to go. They are all **** up. Name one normal Black Dem in congress.
Really shes a really good lady we just hdave that "Racial" Thingy.TwoIfByTea » 12 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Im not gonna be "Racist" like that.
But as I age out I have come 2 the "Realization" that Black People live on a "Completetely Different Planet" than you or I do.
Im ashamed to say that but at work and jobs where Black people run it.
I just quit say goodbye I cant even freaking understand ya.
One black lady called me back says listen just talk to me give ya a "Raise" okay I need ya we aint got nobody else.
Fine I told her ya like the job Im doing I keep doing it.
But I dont want all Issues corporate policy and ya know I do the job way I do it okay.
She told me ya atleast gotta follow the "Line" but I dont hate ya and ya do a good job 4 me.
We hadda "Agreement" there that day too
ROG62 » Today, 10:41 am » wrote: ↑ They are a one trick pony..."whatever Trump is for, they're against it..."
Im still rereading that trying "calculate" everythingEDC4ALL! » 11 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I thought it was some funny **** how Trump set up the kids at the beginning of his speech. He calls them alll out by saying,
This is my fifth such speech to Congress, and, once again, I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud. Nothing I can do. I could find a cure to the most devastating disease — a disease that would wipe out entire nations, or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded, and these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements. They won’t do it no matter what.
So he basically double dog dared them to clap, knowning they wouldn't.
He then makes them look like complete heartless fools by bring out guests and achievements that anyone with a grain of intellegence and compassion, would clap for. They held up auction paddles instead! Too **** funny.