I know this is not a surprise, but it's not hard to understand

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By MR-7
Yesterday 11:24 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Yesterday 11:24 am
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2,460 posts
Democrats' favorable ratings drop to record low in new national poll.

Just 29% of those questioned in a CNN poll released on Sunday say they have a favorable view of the party, with 54% holding an unfavorable view. That's a record low in CNN polling dating back more than three decades. 

What do they have besides hating and resisting the republican party? Do they have any policies that will help Americans? They are more concerned about illegal aliens than, American citizens. They have a big disconnect with their constituents.  The main reason for this disconnect is that they do not care to listen to their constituents and sadly they do not care what their constituents think.  They believe that they are 'the ruling class' and voters are too stupid to understand even simple issues.

Democrats' favorable ratings drop to record low in new national poll
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